To Each Their Own

Nov 03, 2008 20:59

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Deans
Prompt: Cafe
Notes: For 30_sweets.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Leslie and Frank have coffee together.

27: Café

Leslie hid behind her coffee cup and laughed at him.

“What?” he demanded, ladling more sugar into his coffee.

“Are you going to have a little liquid with your sugar?” she teased.

Frank narrowed his eyes, didn’t quite glare at her. She smirked and took another sip.

“What about you? You put so much soy in it, I’m amazed you can even taste the coffee,” he pointed out.

“Yeah,” she replied. “But soy’s good for you. Sugar’s not.”

“A little sugar is good for you. The Majesdane race runs on sugar,” he said, just a little too loud.

Leslie ducked. “Frank!” she hissed. “You’re going to get us caught.”

“Sorry,” he hissed back. “At least there’s no one in here.”

They sat in silence for a moment. Frank finished putting sugar in his coffee and paused to stir it. She watched him with more than a little amusement.

“You’re just jealous,” he teased.

She rolled her eyes and he took advantage of the momentary distraction to run his be-sandaled toe up her leg.


“Are you ready to go yet?” Frank asked.

“You just started that!”

He downed it in one go and made her stomach protest at the sight. She bit her lip.

“Fine. Let’s go. Mr. I Don’t Like To Enjoy My Coffee.”

She polished hers off and he reached for her hand. She took it, albeit reluctantly, and let him lead her out of the café.


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