Amateur Pyrotechnics

Oct 30, 2008 12:48

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Wilders
Prompt: Fireworks
Notes: For A Year In Writing.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Catharine's not sure she's in on this.

010: Fireworks

“Amateur pyrotechnics?” Cathy asked, raising an incredulous eyebrow.  “That’s code for, ‘makes things blow up for fun,’ right?”

“No.  It’s code for ‘makes own fireworks,’” Geoffrey replied.

“Oh.  I see.  You don’t just blow stuff up, you make things that are worse than bombs and unleash them on the atmosphere.”

His eye twitched.  “I take it you don’t approve.”

“I’ve seen nothing to change my mind.”

Geoffrey nodded, mostly to himself, and reached for a box marked with her favorite color: green.  He chose one he knew she’d like.  It was a pinwheel of his own design that he’d managed to convince to spin faster than the standard breed.

“Come with me.”

He took her hand and led her into the back yard.  She was reluctant at first, and tried to go inside when he pulled out his lighter.  He caught her by the arm and pulled her back.


He lit the thing and pitched it into the air.  It crackled to life and whizzed up, up, up, then started to fall, still spinning angrily.  Catharine panicked.  It went out and the remains hit the ground.

“How was that?” he asked.

She gaped at him.  “Do another!”


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