Back Again

Oct 27, 2008 05:48

Rating: R
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Yorkeses, Maneater
Prompt: Success
Notes: For the Lover100 challenge.
Warnings: Crassness
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: The overdrive succeeds again.

092: Success


He grabbed her and swung her around. The portico hummed behind them. Maneater knocked on the door and he set her down.

"We made it back," she said, elated. "It worked!"

Maneater knocked again.

"Come in, come in!" Dale called. "Ah, Stacey, beautiful and a genius! Is there anything you can’t do?"

Maneater opened the door. Stacey bobbed a little curtsy. HE cleared his throat and stared at her.

"Ah, Darling, but I couldn’t have done it without you!"

Dale turned triumphantly to Maneater and flourished a hand. "My man, do come in! My darling wife is a genius!"

Maneater nodded and closed the door behind himself. He gaped quite openly at Stacey.

Dale twirled her around and went for the bottle of soda she’d stashed the last time they’d been there. He poured three glasses, handed one to Maneater, and one to his wife.

"To my darling Stacey, resident genius!"

They toasted and downed the stuff. Maneater winced a little.

"You needed something, Maneater?" Stacey asked, quite pleased with herself.

"Uh… I heard a noise and wanted to make sure it was you. Excuse me and congratulations."

He set the glass down and backed out, keeping his eyes on Stacey until the door closed. When he was gone, Dale chuckled and turned to her.

"That man has a crush on you," he said.

"Ridiculous. He wants to eat me," Stacey sniffed dismissively.

"He wants to eat you, all right," Dale teased. "He wants to eat you out."

She smacked his arm hard and turned away. The thought of Maneater haunted her, though, no matter how hard she tried to banish it.


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