fic_ a little like like

Jul 11, 2010 15:36 today, while looking for this bunnyfic 2000 sidestory bit that isweartogod exists somewhere, i discovered that there are about eighty separate documents scattered about my gdocs/wips HD folders, wtfff! a whole stack of which i don't even remember conceiving of, much less writing any for~ ahaha. 8D have this one for starters. because it's a ( Read more... )

*fandom: je boys, *all: fanfic, boys: abc-z

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Comments 27

snowqueenofhoth July 11 2010, 09:32:25 UTC
Oh god, Hasshi is so straaaange. He fits right in, doesn't he? XD

Gocchi being tricky, but Tottsu, too. :D

And everyone ganging up to force Tottsu to go together with Tsuka. Win.

Tsuka is also weird. And I love the random thing like Tottsu having a scar from Kawai's teeth, hah.


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 01:38:14 UTC
he absolutely does. xD

they were all probably in kismai's dressing room and hasshi probably stood up and loudly made an Announcement about his Grand Plan (Phase 6B) when tottsu went to the bathroom or something. and, "YOU GUYS ALL BETTER COOPERATE, 'CAUSE IF YOU DON'T I'M GONNA BE MAD IF TOTTSU GETS SAD." kawai: "LOL, rhyme!" hashimoto: *incites violence* goseki: *sits back with a fizzy calpis ♥* totsuka: *comes back to a whole lot of chaos* ._. (why happen?)

i think they would totally have a whole bunch of random scars and stories that go with them. xD their grandkids will be fascinated for hours and hours one day.


talisa_ahn July 11 2010, 10:10:35 UTC
WA~~~~~~~~~! THAT WAS SO CUTE!

Along the way, calling the doctor becomes sort of a running joke. Poor ABC... Tsukada's always the one that calls for help because he's indestructible. Tsuka &hearts

Honesty, he remembers a touch too late, is only a good policy with a little discretion and discretion has never really been ABC (or their Z)'s strong suit at all. Nope. Not at all.

Kitayama looks from Totsuka to Tsukada, then to Hashimoto before sharing a glance with Goseki. If I were Tottsu, I'd have been worried as soon as Goseki was included.


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 01:34:40 UTC
If I were Tottsu, I'd have been worried as soon as Goseki was included. lol~ yes. xD i think tottsu was like, "right, that's the last time i'm trusting hiromitsu's dinner plans." ←but it's okay, since it all works out in the end, hurhur. |D

hee~ glad you liked it! xD even if it wasn't mitsutottsu, ahaha~♥


talisa_ahn July 13 2010, 13:46:55 UTC
"He doesn't lie though," Tsukada grins. "He's like Fumi and me! It's only you and Gocchi that are the tricky ones. So were you lying?"

Goseki-sama and Tottsu know to think before the do anything. I want to make a comment that has to do something with the fact that it's the SIMPLE minded ones that don't lie... but I'm having issues wording it.


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 14:38:11 UTC
*griiins~* it's definitely true though. |D on both counts. xD


bhig July 11 2010, 20:16:57 UTC


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 02:03:19 UTC


kuro_chin July 11 2010, 21:23:44 UTC
Thank you. This is just waht I needed. ♥ I've been stalking your journal for ages already and this just really made my day ( ... )


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 03:09:13 UTC
aw, i'm glad i could brighten it a little for you~♥!

the boys are so much fun; they make their own ideas, i swear. xD but thank you for such a thoughtful comment again. m(__)m word choice is pretty important to me, i think. *will often go back and just change one word here or there* xD; aha~ so i'm very glad you think it's coming across well. :D :D

you should definitely look into tsuka-chan when you can. xD the boy is hilarious, as are his buns of steel. ♥ (my favourite is still the musical chairs episode where he bumped everyone out of the way with near-concussive force. 8D) i'll definitely try to write him more also. xD thanks again!


hinodesol July 11 2010, 22:42:57 UTC
Aww, that was just too cute<3

I haven't read a Tottsu/Tsukada fic before and this was an awesome way to start reading them too. Like, I don't know, I don't know much about Tsukada (well not that much about Tottsu either) but... this kinda felt like I got to know them a bit more XD

I liked Tsukada's character in this fic. And Hasshi was just <3

...Sorry, I can't really make a constructive comment at this hour >_<
But, this fic was awesome (just like all the fics I've read from you xD), a nice way to end this day and finally go to sleep. Thank you for writing it. <3 ^^


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 03:15:46 UTC
hee, i'm glad you felt that way~ xD there should definitely be more of these two around (or, more of any of them. |D *wouldn't be too fussy, lol*) thank you for reading! and i hope you slept well~ ;Db


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