drabble! :3 oho

Jan 26, 2008 05:18

...and I suppose I like to write? xD; But hardly do. Will be aiming to improve with this, as well! 8D :D Which, I suppose2, could start with putting something actually useful in my userinfo, but that'll come later I'm sure. When packing procrastination strikes, or something. xD;

But in the meantime, on the topic of writing, I feel the need to pimp the fact that:

Go join! xD Go write! xD; Go, uhh... laugh at the prompts, yeah! 8D And submit some! xDD ♥ *throws Kusano icon around*

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The Art of Appreciation; rated G, 302 words

The first thing Shige gives Tegoshi is not advice (they're the same age, after all, if not the same Johnny's year), but a chapstick.

Tegoshi frowns at it, holding the small white tube between a thumb and forefinger. It smells vaguely of mystery melon. "It's got no colour?" He sounds confused.

Shige nods, helpfully deadpan. "It's so your lips don't crack."

"Or bleed," Massu adds from aside.

They all know Tegoshi still plays too much soccer for this job from the way he comes to rehersals and shoots all flushed and suntanned sometimes. The makeup artists only shake their heads - they've had to deal with the same (and worse) before.

Tegoshi, however, is still frowning. "Do I use it with lipstick?"

"You... can," Shige says slowly, and wonders where Tegoshi gets off knowing less about grooming than the average Japanese dog, whilst still passing the auditions. And debuting.

"You can use it in the shower, too!" Kusano enthuses, all sarcastic sparkle borne of too many early mornings and not enough sleep. "Locks in the moisture. ♥"

"Oh," says Tegoshi.

"Not 'oh'," Ryo snaps from where he'd kicked Kusano off the couch, glaring at the group's two youngest. (Well, youngest since Moriuchi left.) Kusano's moles seem to twinkle back though, and Ryo turns away in disgust. (His beauty marks are sexier, anyway.)

Tegoshi regards them in a sort of thoughtfully analytical fashion, but in the meantime Shige has fished the chapstick's packaging out of the recycle bin like the intelligent member he is meant to be. "For frequent use," he reads. "Apply liberally as often as necessary." Replacing the small square of cardboard, he adds: "Don't eat it."

Tegoshi raises an eyebrow, looking down at Shige by the bin with a light of superior perception. "I wouldn't have done that anyway." It's the difference between him and Massu, after all.

Shige can only sigh.

*fandom: je boys, boys: news, *all: fanfic

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