d.gray-man ][ lavi+kanda: trade-off

Dec 06, 2007 14:40

*backdaaates* :D written like, a half-decade ago. ♥ ahahaha.

Fandom: D.Gray-man
Who: Lavi, Kanda
What: PG; 500w. ♥ A first meeting. Lavi builds solidarity through a common denominator. Italics are not English.

"Hello~" a cheerful voice called from behind.

"What do you want?" Kanda returned gruffly, before whirling in realisation-the accent had been so flawless it hadn't even registered in his conscious mind.

He didn't know what he'd been expecting, but it certainly wasn't... the boy who stood before (behind) him now, smiling for all the world like a mouse with feta cheese. A redhead-of mixed descent, probably. With one eye apparently blind, and the other only vaguely happy.

Kanda'd seen him before, in Rinali's company a few times. Hadn't thought anything of it, though.

"Ah, so Lenalee was right. It's Japanese, after all~" the boy chuckled. "That katana isn't just to match your hair, huh? ♥"

Kanda already felt his ire rising, hand going to Mugen's hilt-('tsuji-giri (v.): to try out a new sword on a passer-by.' Tempting. Perhaps to debut the Second Illusion blade he'd been working on...?) But the other raised his palms in that universal placating gesture.

They were about the same age. If Kanda looked older, one could fault his stern expression; if this mystery kid did, then it was due to the weight in his summer-green gaze. Not that it mattered. Wasn't like there was a senpai-kouhai system here, anyway.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" the Japanese exorcist asked, pointedly reverting himself to English as he turned back around to his soba, irritated.

"Aww~ c'mon," the redhead said, with gall enough to not only round the table and reclaim Kanda's field of vision, but lean forward into it with a cheeky grin. "Your tones come out so much nicer in your mother tongue..."

Kanda set his chopsticks down to avoid breaking them in anger. Tones? Stupid English. Who cared? So maybe he sounded a little stilted sometimes, but it wasn't as if anybody else around here spoke Japanese well enough to tell him how he was going wrong. (If they'd even bothered to teach him in the first place, because they hadn't: he'd learned what English he knew by himself, damn it. With Rinali's non-help.)

"Tell me what you want, or get out of my face," he said, glaring at his meal’s disturbance.

The boy confidently ignored him. "The name's 'Rabi'~ sixteen years old. Nice to meet you."

"Kanda Yuu. Sixteen years old. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

...the reply was well-schooled and automatic; with a grimace, Kanda caught himself just short of the bow to follow.

The redhead laughed. "A pleasure indeed, Kanda-kun~"

Damn that idiot.

"Stop it," Kanda demanded.

"Hm~? Addressing you in Japanese?" Rabi asked. Kanda said nothing, but his scowl deepened. Rabi grinned. "I'll take that as a yes, then~ Very well. Have it your way."

As simple as that, reversion.

Kanda would've almost looked surprised, had he believed in such a facial expression. That had been far too easy for the likes of th-

"But this means I'm calling you Yuu... ♥"

"Fuck off."

Really. The only good thing about English was the swearing, anyway.

*all: fanfic, *fandom: d.gray-man

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