(no subject)

Dec 13, 2010 09:29

Day Seven: Four turn offs.

1. People who don't brush their teeth/smoke/or otherwise smell bad. Sorry Blot.

2. Clingy people. Give me space, for chrissakes. Clinging to me and wanting to do eeeevverryyything with me will drive me up the wall. I especially hate it when I see other couples suffer from it. I had an awesome coworker with an absolute bitch of a girlfriend, and he was tons of fun when she wasn't around. Being attached at the hip isn't my idea of a fun relationship, sorry.

3. Not an animal lover? Sorry, we're not going to get along. See previous: Fuck with my dog and I'll end you :) response.

4.Anti-kink list: mpreg barfs me out, rape/noncon, and to a weird degree BDSM. The thing with the last one is I just don't really understand it, or maybe I don't know it when I see it? Obvious disclaimer is I don't think any less of you if these are your kinks! Mine are pretty boring and our differences are what MAKE US STRONGER DAMMIT.

What's the squick of the day? It's something horrible that my body decided to do. TMI alert ugh

Guess what? The toenail of my left foot's pinkie toe is about to fall off! How cool is that? It's so cool, in fact, it's making me slightly nauseous to think about. How do I know this is going to happen? Well, a few months ago I walked into the threshold of my office door. It was one of the smoothest things I'd ever done, jamming my little toe into it with such force I collapsed on floor and writhed in pain for about five minutes. I've jammed toes before (and broken them on my dog's metal durabed!) but this was like holy shit pain. My little toe swelled up and throbbed for about two days, then it was fine. Then... the toenail turned black. Which had never happened before. Kind of gross, right? So gross I didn't do anything about it, until I was curious enough to google 'black toenail.'

Don't google it, unless you want to see icky pictures. Anyways, I found out you can TRAMAUTIZE a toenail, which is exactly what I did. According to the internet, in a few weeks a new toenail will push the old one out, and all the dead skin with slough off with it. Neat. Actually, super gross. This is incentive to never walk into a doorway ever, ever again you stupid moron. It's actually been like 2-3 months since this happened, and only YESTERDAY did the skin start peeling. The nail doesn't feel any different, so I'm going to hold out hope that it's fine and the skin will just do it's thing. It's less black and horrible looking now!

Sorry if you were, you know, eating or planning on eating. I'll make up for it by posting AN ACTUAL TRANSFORMERS FANFIC HOLY SHIT.


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