Natty Bumppo(longuecarabine) managed to get himself out of his spot of bother from last week, and came back to find the mansion blown up, so he decided to make a lean-to.
Let's ignore the part where it isn't Sunday, shall we?
Angrod (tolkien_blond), realising for the first time that his branch of the family's relative happiness has less to do with sanity and everything to do with their hair colour, chatted with Ken (ken_murata) on the relevant poll.
Dinin (upside_drow) came into posession of some lye (which may or may not come in handy at some later date, but the chocolate was good), and greeted Louis de Point du Lac with either cynicism or optimsism (but everyone's optimistic compared to Louis). He's currently trapped in the basement with his sister Vierna (sketchy_devotee), which is all sorts of not fun.
And then the Mansion went boom. :D And Odysseus (mister_outis) was heroic, Art Holmwood (intryingtimes) stumbled across Lucy and is glad, Osric (winestains) found Valentine, and Arthur Pape (abigqueen) will eventually be allowed to actually confirm that he is indeed alive.
Comments 7
Natty Bumppo(longuecarabine) managed to get himself out of his spot of bother from last week, and came back to find the mansion blown up, so he decided to make a lean-to.
Oz(o_z_diggs) was confused by AIDS and talked to Lyra about alternate universes.
...I don't believe Langwidere did anything.
Meanwhile, Guildenstern (pipe_player) has just emerged from the weckage of the mansion, and is looking for Rosencrantz.
Lofty (dry_tinder) ... um, got ambitious. *hides*
Rosana (ebon_divinity) is not nearly as taken with Kay as she was with Bedivere. Go figure.
And, er, Jessica ( ) arrived, FWIW.
Angrod (tolkien_blond), realising for the first time that his branch of the family's relative happiness has less to do with sanity and everything to do with their hair colour, chatted with Ken (ken_murata) on the relevant poll.
Sauron (stillrocknroll) played with one of his wee fluffy evil puppies, which was much cuter than it ought to have been, and also desparklified his big fluffy evil puppy.
Dinin (upside_drow) came into posession of some lye (which may or may not come in handy at some later date, but the chocolate was good), and greeted Louis de Point du Lac with either cynicism or optimsism (but everyone's optimistic compared to Louis). He's currently trapped in the basement with his sister Vierna (sketchy_devotee), which is all sorts of not fun.
Edrahil (caninefodder) heroically recsued his boyfriend Finrod (hewer_of_caves) from the 'splodey Mansion. He worries too much.
Loki (_no_good_deed_) is giving Polonius (o_i_am_slain) some useful information, and getting into a bit of an argument with Wolfram (demonfiance) and Yuuri (demon_yuuri) about fires and the dousing thereof.
Arthur Pape (abigqueen) was overjoyed to see James. He also celebrated Halloween with candy, and Alice (onlyachild) also made an appearance.
Shylock (hathnotajew) really fails at family, but that's a given.
Titus Andronicus (playthecook) fails at sane, but see above.
Alice (onlyachild) went to a tea party.
King Arthur (rightismight) was puzzled by his daughter-in-law and absolutely thrilled to see his big brother.
Hamlet (thanitohercules) spoke with Prufrock.
Arthur Pape (abigqueen) discovered the hard way that wolf cubs bite and then had to tell Perry. Similarly, Beelzebub (prinzzofhell) set a wolf cub on fire, which resulted in the discovery that Hamlet (thanitohercules) is flammable.
And then the Mansion went boom. :D And Odysseus (mister_outis) was heroic, Art Holmwood (intryingtimes) stumbled across Lucy and is glad, Osric (winestains) found Valentine, and Arthur Pape (abigqueen) will eventually be allowed to actually confirm that he is indeed alive.
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