(no subject)

Jul 27, 2006 14:12

So, last night Isobel found John and Gavin snogging in chat. Much Awkwardness ensued. Here's the log!

JohnGrey: *wanders in, looking rather bewildered*
Cosette: *living a traumatised existance, currently onna couch*
JohnGrey: *you think -you're- traumatised? Try having your dead wife show up*
Cosette: *hey, now, almost died /again/. but anyway, will curtsy at him*
JohnGrey: *bows distractedly and flops on a couch*
Cosette: *really confused about why he has a wife to begin with, but knows it isn't polite to ask, so will settle for something simple* Your....wife seems very nice.
JohnGrey: *and this? This would be a slightly manic grin* She is, thank you.
Gavin: *enters! flailing. inwardly, that is. outwardflailing would probably result in whacking a hand on the doorframe.*
JohnGrey: *yeah, this would be a John taking one look at Gavin and burying his face in his hands* Oh, God.
Gavin: *is going to flop down unhappily on a couch in that general vicinity* *. . .* Well, then.
JohnGrey: *runs hand through his hair* I don't know what to do.
Cosette: *well. this is interesting*
JohnGrey: [*hands]
Gavin: It's . . . not exactly one of those situations you plan for, I guess.
JohnGrey: No, not particularly.
Cosette: *really doesn't understand any of this, so will just sit respectfully for the moment*
Gavin: *lipbite* I have no idea what happens now.
JohnGrey: *wry laugh* Neither do I.
Gavin: . . . /Something's/ got to happen, though.
Xenophon: [Typical Marika Answer to Everything: THREESOME!]
JohnGrey: Mmph. *rubs his temples* I know. Should I tell her..?
Gavin: [Gavin: --No women in my bed, please.]
Xenophon: [You can do it on the floor.]
Gavin: That's-- your decision, really. *that'd be a "yes," John.*
Gavin: [Gavin: . . . No.]
JohnGrey: I -- I do not know if I can.
Gavin: I guess she might be, um, a little surprised. *rather facepalms*
JohnGrey: Rather.
Gavin: . . . There are really no words for how much this sucks.
Cosette: *this is a confused face*
JohnGrey: *blinks* ..Pardon me?
Gavin: . . . It's incredibly unpleasant
JohnGrey: ...Ah. I would certainly agree.
Gavin: I don't know if I could-- I mean, I'm not used to hiding. I don't want to start now.
JohnGrey: I suppose I must tell her, then.
Gavin: I guess so.
Cosette: *feels rather bad for the poor woman*
Gavin: *does, too, actually, which is part of why the whole thing's so uncomfortable*
JohnGrey: *sighs*
Gavin: . . . How do you think she'd react?
JohnGrey: I am not certain, to speak quite truthfully.
Cosette: *still thinks she should have figured it out*
Gavin: Does she-- *isn't going to finish that question, but it's "Does she love you?"*
JohnGrey: *can apparently tell -- or guess, anyway* I am not certain.
Gavin: . . . Wonderful.
Cosette: *now really, really feels bad for her*
JohnGrey: *will just be scooting over and vaguely clinging*
Gavin: *clings a bit as well* This wasn't supposed to /happen./
JohnGrey: I know. *and is going to kiss him, carefully* People aren't -- well. You know.
Gavin: *kisses back, with rather more reserve than usual, because augh, is kissing a married man--!* I know.
JohnGrey: *is just going to -cling- now, biting his lip* I have never had to -tell- anyone this before.
Gavin: *clinging, clinging, clinging* *manages a wry smile* Scary, isn't it?
JohnGrey: Just a bit, I should think. *and this is John burying his head in Gavin's shoulder*
Cosette: *aww, now feels bad for John, too*
Gavin: *snugglecling* Not that I ever had to tell anyone I was /married/ to, obviously, since I haven't been. But, um-- the first person I told? Was my girlfriend at the time.
JohnGrey: That must have been interesting.
Gavin: It was. She, ah-- wanted to be sure. I thought I might as well humour her.
JohnGrey: *tilts head* Oh?
Gavin: So, after we'd . . . tested the theory, I think what I said was, "No, still gay."
Gavin: She slapped me. Then she started laughign.
Gavin: *laughing.
Cosette: *.....TMI, Gavin*
JohnGrey: *amused blink* It sounds like she took it admirably well.
Gavin: *thought the story might be vaguely comforting?*
Gavin: She really did. She's still a good friend of mine, actually.
JohnGrey: I am glad to hear it.
Gavin: So, you know, it's-- possible she'll be okay with it.
JohnGrey: Mm. *kisses him again* I hope so.
Gavin: But then again, Emily and I weren't married, or expecting to be at any point. We were . . . about seventeen, I think. So it's, um, a little different.
Gavin: *kisses back, relaxing a little, because hey, at least they've decided on telling her!*
Cosette: *can be joined in confusion!*
JohnGrey: *will keep kissing -- comfort is nice, especially when it's of this sort*
Cosette: *sitting in confusion*
LordJohn: *kissing a Gavin!*
IsobelGrey: *. . .*
* LordJohn is now known as JohnGrey
IsobelGrey: *this is-- what can only be described as a squeak of surprise, really*
JohnGrey: *....and that sounds like a familiar squeak, so will turn around, blinking vaguely* ..........Oh.
IsobelGrey: *just. stares.*
Cosette: *it isn't polite to stare. it isn't polite to stare. it isn't-- oh hell. stares at the awkward scene before her.*
Gavin: . . .
Gavin: *face. palm. otp.*
JohnGrey: Isobel, I -- *bites lip* Er.
IsobelGrey: . . . oh, my.
JohnGrey: *isn't clinging to Gavin's hand. Really.*
Cosette: *feels very bad for the poor lady*
Gavin: *squeezes his hand discreetly*
IsobelGrey: Oh, dear. I-- *looks rather pale*
JohnGrey: *ack! will move over, then, dropping Gavin's hand* --Are -- are you quite alright?
IsobelGrey: *. . .* *faints dead away*
Gavin: *o_o*
Cosette: .......
Cosette: Smelling salts. *nodnod*
JohnGrey: *oh, crap. picks her up and sets her gently on a couch* *softly* --Someone find some, please.
Cosette: I'll fetch some.
Cosette: *goes off to do that*
Gavin: *under his breath, so as not to cause too much flailing* Well. Looks like she might not take it so well, after all.
IsobelGrey: *unconscious!*
JohnGrey: *worries!*
Cosette: *and returns, smelling salts in hand* Here we are.
JohnGrey: Thank you, miss. *takes them and waves them under Isobel's nose, biting his lip*
Cosette: You're welcome.
IsobelGrey: *after a moment, opens her eyes, looking about herself muzzily*
JohnGrey: ...Isobel?
IsobelGrey: *blinks*
IsobelGrey: What, exactly--? *except she seems to be remembering, because she's suddenly gone rather pink*
JohnGrey: *clears throat* ...Er.
IsobelGrey: *rather weakly* . . . Oh, dear.
Gavin: *stands around awkwardly . . .?*
JohnGrey: *quietly* I am not certain how to explain this, my dear.
IsobelGrey: *sits up, slowly* . . . I-- I am not certain how one /can/ explain such a thing.
JohnGrey: [...Pheebs, you're not allowed to help.]
Gavin: [XDD That would be /amazing./ And not at all helpful.]
JohnGrey: [Should I send her in? XD]
Gavin: [. . . Yes. *is a terrible person*]
* Pheebs has joined #desperatefans
Pheebs: *wanders in and blinks at the Awkward*
IsobelGrey: *is looking confused and shocked on a couch!*
Gavin: . . . Er. Lady Grey, are you-- all right? *stupid questions, yay!*
Pheebs: Well, -this- looks fun. *couchflops*
Cosette: *stifles a laugh at that because, Stupid Question indeed*
IsobelGrey: *and may be being confused and shocked, but has the presence of mind to quirk an eyebrow at that* Can I be expected to be?
JohnGrey: *with a slightly amused blink* I do not know, my dear.
IsobelGrey: I think perhaps the question would be best reserved for later, when I have had some opportunity to recover.
Pheebs: What's this about recovering? *looks from Gavin to John to Isobel ....and smirks* ...Oh. I get it.
IsobelGrey: . . . Indeed.
Gavin: *awkard* Pheebs? Don't start.
Pheebs: *innocent blink* Start what?
Gavin: Talking.
Gavin: Keep your mouth /shut./
Pheebs: *^__________^* You could tape my mouth shut.
Cosette: Or you could tie it shut. With a rope. M. Gavin and M. John use those. *nodnod*
Pheebs: Oooh, kinky.
JohnGrey: ...*this is John -choking-*
IsobelGrey: .........
IsobelGrey: . . . I-- I do believe I'm feeling rather dizzy.
Gavin: *O__O-ing at Cosette*
Cosette: *innocent!*
Pheebs: *didn't say anything. :D*
* Stargirl has joined #desperatefans
Stargirl: *:D :D :D :D*
JohnGrey: *clears his throat* -- You needn't pay attention to the red-headed girl, my dear. She takes delight in scandalising people.
Gavin: *and totally doesn't twitch a little at hearing John call Isobel "my dear."*
Stargirl: *wanders in and flops next to Pheebs* Hi.
IsobelGrey: *faintly* I see.
* Georgiana has left #desperatefans
JohnGrey: ...And as for what you saw, erm, earlier...well. I -- *flails, just a little*
IsobelGrey: --Then I /did/ see . . . what I thought I saw?
JohnGrey: ...You did.
Stargirl: What do you think you did see that you do think you saw?
Pheebs: *pipes up* He likes boys, ma'am. *^_^*
IsobelGrey: *very carefully, lowers herself so that she's lying down again* . . . Ah.
Pheebs: [....At least she said 'ma'am'? XD]
Stargirl: I can relate.
Gavin: *glarePheebs* Shut. Up. Now.
Pheebs: I was only helping!
Gavin: Your help isn't necessary.
Stargirl: Boy toys are certainly a popular thing to have around here, huh?
Cosette: --I think perhaps you ought to keep a closer watch on him, madame. Sometimes he gets ropeburn. It looked rather painful, actually.
JohnGrey: *splutters a little* I -- madame, -please-!
Cosette: *blinks* Yes?
Gavin: . . . *facepalms*
JohnGrey: I should think this is hard enough without comments from outside.
Stargirl: *turns to Pheebs and beams*
IsobelGrey: *has gone very, very pale*
Stargirl: Tell me, does your carpet match your curtains?
Pheebs: ....I don't think I've ever seen my carpet.
Cosette: *blinks at Gavin, too*
Stargirl: Oh. *pause* I'm not sure what that means. People like to ask redheads that question a lot.
Gavin: Cosette? I think the general idea is hard enough for her to process. She doesn't need to hear the details just now.
Stargirl: I never knew what it meant. I was hoping you did.
Pheebs: *carefully straightfaced* Sorry, no.
Stargirl: [My redhead friend told me today that some smart-ass guy in her class always used to ask her that. XD]
Stargirl: Oh. *pause again*
Stargirl: I'm Stargirl.
Pheebs: I'm Phoebe.
Stargirl: Nice to meet you, Phoebe.
Cosette: ....Well, I should think she would like to know if he is taking care of himself.
JohnGrey: *clears throat again -- and have we mentioned he's blushing? Anyway* *to Cosette* I am certainly taking care of myself. *and back to Isobel* --What I have been -trying- to say is that -- well -- I ....I do not find women attractive in an -- intimate manner.
IsobelGrey: . . .
IsobelGrey: *glances at Gavin* I-- I should think that much is clear.
JohnGrey: ....Well, yes.
IsobelGrey: *will attempt to sit up again now-- probably grabbing at John's arm for support* You will forgive me if I find this a bit . . . overwhelming, I hope.
JohnGrey: Certainly. I find it rather overwhelming myself. *helps her sit up*
IsobelGrey: *very, very quietly* Did you-- did you never think to /tell/ me?
Stargirl: It takes some people longer to come out of the closet than others.
Stargirl: Although, I don't see the trouble. All you have to do is open the door. *nodnod*
JohnGrey: *blushes* --One does not -- did not talk about this sort of thing, in front of ladies.
Pheebs: *eyerolls at Stargirl*
Cosette: ....Closet?
Cosette: People usually do not go inside of closets.
Stargirl: A lot more people do than your probably realize.
Stargirl: [you*]
Stargirl: *to Pheebs* Why are you rolling your eyes at me?
Pheebs: It's a metaphorical closet, dear.
Cosette: ...Oh. Not a real one?
Pheebs: Nope.
IsobelGrey: *with a slightly hysterical note of laughter in her voice* And all these years I th-- thought it was only me.
Stargirl: It's still a closet, all the same.
Stargirl: It could be a walk-in closet. Maybe that's why some people take so long.
JohnGrey: ...Pardon me?
Cosette: ....But I thought the closet was only a metaphor?
Cosette: You cannot walk into a metaphor.
Stargirl: Ooh. Ooh, I like that.
IsobelGrey: *smiles a bit weakly* I am not entirely blind, my dear. I had simply assumed there was someone else. Of course, I always assumed-- a /lady./
Stargirl: *strums a chord on her ukulele and sings* You cannot walk into a metaphooorr...
JohnGrey: *this is John looking a bit less awkward* --Ah. Well. *with a rueful smile* ...I suppose you were partly right.
Gavin: *shouldn't want to laugh. does, anyway.*
* Stargirl has left #desperatefans
Cosette: *will head home*
* Cosette has left #desperatefans
IsobelGrey: *glances about* I- I should think this place a bit public for such things.
JohnGrey: *awkward shrug* It is ...different, here.
IsobelGrey: *blinks* It seemed quite respectable to me.
Gavin: I don't see what that has to do with respectability.
IsobelGrey: Respectable men do not-- that is-- I do not mean to say that you . . . oh, dear.
JohnGrey: *vague amusion* It is alright.

stargirl, cosette, phoebe wotton, gavin, isobel grey, lord john

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