(no subject)

Jul 27, 2006 17:19

Whose Line is it Anyway?, DF style. Crowley hosts, and the Metatron, Constantine and Stargirl play. XD

(The given lines in the first game are bolded, for clarity.)

Crowley> Right, folks. It's time for Whose Line is it Anyway?, DF style. *grins*
Metatron> ... *blinks* It's time for /what/?
Grantaire> Who in the what now?
Crowley> *demonmods up a ... er, TV studio?*
Stargirl> ...
Crowley> A game show.
Stargirl> Well. That's interesting.
Metatron> ...a what?
Crowley> ... Just play along.
Constantine> I'm so afraid.
Crowley> Anyways, I'll be the host. Welcome to Whose Line is it Anyway, where the points are like dying at desperatefans! *:D*
Metatron> ...They don't matter?
Crowley> Our first game is "Whose Line", and we'll have ... the Metatron and Constantine play.
Crowley> ... Yes. Very intelligent guess.
Grantaire> ...*flops on a couch*
Metatron> That's odd, I don't usually do much intelligent at all. *smile*
Constantine> ... *pats Meta*
Crowley> You *points at Meta* are the Phantom of the Opera, and you're attempting to lure Christine *points at Johnboy* into your batcave lair. At random points, you'll pause, be given random audience-suggested sentences, and will have to include them in your conversation.
Constantine> Why do I have to be the girl?
Crowley> Because.
Metatron> ... *looks quite beyond puzzled* I -- see. *doesn't*
Crowley> All right. Action!
Constantine> *... bats his eyes at Meta? :D*
Metatron> *...hesitates, then -- quite pleasantly* You know, Mr. Constantine, there are a number of sweets in my lair, and I make quite excellent tea.
Constantine> *nudges Meta and whispers* I'm Christine, remember?
Metatron> Oh -- Miss Christine?
Stargirl> *hums Angel of Music*
Grantaire> *watches in amusion*
Constantine> Works. Anyway -- oh -- Phantom! You know tea is my great weakspot. I have no choice but to follow you.
Metatron> *brightens* I thought so. There are cookies, too.
Crowley> Stop! *hands Meta a line*
Constantine> Well the tea is the important thing. -- *stops*
Metatron> *...stops!*
Stargirl> *to the tune of the Overture* DUNN! DUN DUN DUN DUN DUNNNN!!
Constantine> That'll be in my head, thanks.
Metatron> *offers John an arm? -- which might look odd, because he's rather shorter than John, but* Shall we? *smile~*
Constantine> *takes his arm?*
Constantine> Sure.
Metatron> *leads him to an imaginary BATCAVE --* ... *blinks, and, conversationally* I didn't know the chicken was that large. And by chicken I suppose I mean lair. Perhaps it grew in my absence.
Constantine> Yes well... you have an interesting vocabulary, Mr. Phantom. And an even more interesting chicken -- lair. Um. Thing. Um -- yes. Give me the grand tour?
Metatron> It /is/ quite nice, isn't it. Here, we're in the kitchen. *^___^* Would you like tea?
Constantine> *lets go of his arm and jumps back* You did /what/ with that eggbeater?!
Metatron> ... *mildly* Is one not supposed to make tea with an eggbeater? Oh, dear.
Constantine> Oh honestly. You're so far withdrawn from society that you can't even make /tea/ properly! *pouts and stomps her -- his foot* *way too into this XD*
Metatron> *looks rather wounded* Well, I'm /sorry/, Miss, but I didn't know, and you can't blame me. I don't suppose you know what it's like to live here in this chicken -- lair -- er, whichever, all alone, with a big nose. *;________;* *flames -- well, not out, but off the stagetypething*
Crowley> *... buzzer!*
Metatron> *...readjusts his tie*
Constantine> ... *snort* With a big nose?
Metatron> *shrugs* I was told to say it.
Crowley> And ... I'll give 1,000 points to myself, even though I didn't play, just because I'm that awesome. *writes it down >:D*
Metatron> ...Crowley! That isn't -- *sigh*
Constantine> That's cheating.
Stargirl> That's life.
Stargirl> *beams*
Crowley> *grins* All right. The next game is for all four of us who're playing.
Constantine> Oh good.
Stargirl> OK.
Crowley> The next game is called "Director". I'm the director of a movie, and you three are actors.
Metatron> ...all... right.
Constantine> Brilliant.
Stargirl> Actress.
Crowley> Stargirl, you'll be playing Godzilla, attacking the city of Tokyo. Metatron, you'll be playing a distraught citizen of Toyko. Constantine, you'll be playing a police officer trying to calm him down.
Stargirl> Ooh. *:D*
Metatron> *blink* *blinkblink* I -- all right.
Crowley> I'll interrupt randomly and give you directions on how to improve your acting.
Constantine> Fun shit.
Crowley> *goes up to onto the stage with them* All right, guys. We've got to wrap up this scene today. There better not be any slacking! *claps his hands together like that -- board thingy XD* Action!
Stargirl> *inhales*
Stargirl> RAAAAAAARRRRRsniggerflabbitwoieltrowisofwjraaaagggh!!!
Stargirl> *stomps around*
Constantine> *... snrk*
Stargirl> *kicks over a random chair*
Metatron> ... *sleevetugs John* Sir. *bigwideeyes*
Constantine> What is it?
Metatron> *...gestures at Stargirl* Look --
Constantine> ... *melodramatic flail* Oh no! -- oh, wait. I'm the police officer. I must remain calm.
Stargirl> *cartwheels*
Metatron> *clings to John's arm* Please, help.
Constantine> *waves his arms at Stargirl* Shoo?
Crowley> *...barges in* No, no, no! STOP. You're doing it -all- wrong! You've got to put more -emotion- into your lines. Go ahead, re-do the scene, except make it more -romantic-.
Crowley> *claps the board thingy again* Take two!
Constantine> *and -- pulls Meta into his arms, embracing him... romantically, yes* Don't worry, I'll save you, my darling.
Metatron> *looks faintly panicked* Er -- that's very brave of you?
Stargirl> Rrrghh! *snarly voice* But soft! What light through yonder window breaks! *kicks over another chair*
Constantine> *okay, yes, kisses him!*
Metatron> *squeaks in surprise -- but all right, will kiss back*
Stargirl> Nnnnrgh! *nuzzles against both of them*
Crowley> ... CUT.
Crowley> Ok. That was better.
Constantine> *... oh wow, that's a surprise* *both the nuzzling and the kissing* -- oh come on, I was getting into my role!
Crowley> But people like comedy better, these days.
Crowley> Comedy sells! So try that again, except -funnier-.
Metatron> But I don't know /how/ to be funny!
Crowley> *board thingy again* Take three! -- *to Meta* ... You're fired.
Metatron> ... *sighs* I'm sorry. It's just that I hardly even understand sarcasm.
Constantine> ... banana peels are always popular?
Crowley> Just /try/. *leaves the stage* Action!
Constantine> Right, time to cue my biting wit, then?
Metatron> I suppose so, because I don't /have/ any wit.
Constantine> ... I could bite the monster /with/ my wit! Would that defeat it, do you think?
Metatron> I can't be certain, does wit have any sharp edges?
Constantine> It very well could. -- I fail at comedy. OI! DIRECTOR!
Crowley> WHAT.
Stargirl> AHAHA--*falls over*
Constantine> THIS ISN'T WORKING -- someone's going to get hurt
Crowley> Right. It really isn't. What am I -paying- you guys for?
Constantine> You aren't paying us at all
Grantaire> I don't think you're paying th -- yes.
Crowley> Let's try one more style. Maybe the classics would work.
Constantine> The classics?
Crowley> ... Well now I know why, don't I?
Crowley> Shakespearean.
Crowley> Try acting your parts like a Shakespearean actor would.
Constantine> ... i'faith, yonder is a grand beast!
Stargirl> O! Grr! Alas! Rar! *kicks over yet another chair with a dramatic flourish*
Metatron> ...er. Quite?
Grantaire> ...*applauds*
Constantine> Methinks 'quite' is not a Shakespearean word
Metatron> Hush. *back to clinging to John's arm* Thou'rt a brave warrior indeed, sir. Defeat the foul beast?
Constantine> I shall -- gallop forth on my noble stead and slay yon beast for you, milady!
Metatron> Oh! So brave! *sparkle*
Crowley> *... buzzer* I think that's quite enough of that.
Crowley> 100 points to Stargirl for destroying the studio!
Stargirl> *sparklebeam!*
Metatron> *shrugs and releases John's arm*
Constantine> Who do I have to shag to get some points around here?
Crowley> *waves faux!coyly*
Constantine> ... oh hell no.
Metatron> Not me, I hope.
Crowley> And that's all we have time for today, folks.
Crowley> The winner of the show is -- me! Well, look at that.

That was fun! :D

stargirl, crowley, crack log, constantine, grantaire, metatron

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