(no subject)

May 04, 2006 10:07

So! Here's a log of the pulsering of Rainier. Enjoy it, I guess.

Andy: *snuggling yay......they sort of fail at interaction sometimes, don't they?*
Rainier: *They do! But snuggling is fun anyways*
Andy: *and you know what, so is kissing! so, does.*
Rainier: *kisses back* Mmm.
Georgiana: *pretends that the floor is very interesting*
Andy: *doesn't /mean/ to embarass Georgie, really!* *but is going to continue snuggling the boyfriend anyway*
Rainier: *snuggling and kissing, yep*
Rainier: *aaand, now that his typist isn't ded of df_update, snuggles more* Love you.
Andy: *beams and kisses him* Love you.
Rainier: *does not say 'I love carrots too'*
Rainier: *but -wants- to*
Georgiana: *...*
Andy: *that would probably earn you a smack, but would laugh*
* spying is now known as CordeliaRansom
CordeliaRansom: *wanders in~*
Georgiana: *curtsies*
Andy: *this would be a suddenly /veryvery/ tense Andy* *sits up a bit, staring a hole through Cordy*
CordeliaRansom: *smiles sweetly at him and goes to take a seat on a couch*
Rainier: . . . .*arches an eyebrow, and because Andy's tense, Rainier will be getting twitchy and protective*
Andy: *watches her, because it's always better to know where your enemy is, that way they can't surprise you* *is outwardly perfectly calm, other than the white-knuckled grip on Rainier's arm* *is very clearly prepared for some kind of fight, doesn't trust her one bit*
Georgiana: ...
CordeliaRansom: *will just be very innocently working on something on her memopad thing*
Rainier: *hisses to Andy* Who's she?
Andy: *quietly* Cordelia Ransom. She was in charge of the ship I died on. And one of the more dangerous people in the Havenite government.
* Cosette has joined #desperatefans
Andy: *would greet Cosette, but is too busy trying to kill Cordy with his brain*
Cosette *it's ok as she is Not Really Here*
Rainier: *snarls very quietly*
Andy: *tightens his grip on Rainier, not wanting him to do anything stupid like confront her, and wishes he had a weapon on him just in case*
Georgiana: *is totally oblivious*
Rainier: *he doesn't -need- a weapon, with Rainier around*
Andy: *well, would feel better if he had one cause the last time Cordy was around she shot him in the back of the head*
Andy: *is also mildly surprised at the lack of threats and visible weapons on Cordy, but is still tense*
Rainier: *with the Cordywatching*
CordeliaRansom: *^__^* *will just carry on with what she's doing -- which may be plans to kill certain well-loved naval officers :D*
Andy: *wouldn't. be. surprised.*
Rainier: *Andysnuggling and vague snarliness*
Andy: *Rainier snuggling which may be vaguely clinging and definately more than vague snarliness*
* Hermione has joined #desperatefans
Hermione: *enters, her nose still burried in a book about Craft*
Georgiana: *is just sort of sitting there, awkwardly*
Rainier: *would greet Hermione, but is currently being held onto by his boyfriend and glaring at Cordy Ransom*
Georgiana: *curtsies to Hermione*
Andy: *would greet Hermione, but is vaguely clinging to his boyfriend and possibly plotting Cordy's untimely demise number.....four?*
Hermione: *looks up and smiles at Georgiana* Hello, Georgiana.
CordeliaRansom: *...so I think.*
Hermione: *eyes Rainier and Andy, seeing their death glares*
Georgiana: *smiles back* H-hullo!
Hermione: *via mindspeak to Rainier* *Dare I ask?*
Hermione: How are you, Georgiana? Enjoying your birthday?
CordeliaRansom: *and so we stand, draw the pulser, shoot Rainier and walk out the door. bai bai.*
* CordeliaRansom is now known as spying
Georgiana: Yes, th -- *!!!!!!*
Rainier: *clinging to Andy, yay* ...*whoa, hey, shot*
Hermione: *wide eyed*
Hermione: What...
Hermione: the...
Andy: --Rainier! *turns, but Cordy's already gone* .../Dammit/! *and this is a rather broken looking officer*
Hermione: *shakes her head, as if hoping that was a bad dream*
Andy: *would try to do something to help Rainier, but that was a pulser, and you don't survive that, you just /don't/*
* spying is now known as Honor
Honor: *look! an Honor and a baibee and a treecat* *....and ellipsing at the omgwtfpulser'dRainier*
* Rainier is now known as Rainier|corpseified
Andy: *so, here we have a broken Andy, and a rather more literally broken Rainier* *hi, Honor!*
Honor: *after a moment* ...Andy?
Hermione: *looks like a well and truly -pissed off- Hermione as she realises the severity of the situation*
Andy: *is half furious, half broken, and all in search of a weapon of some sort* *a bit too calmly* ....Yes, Ma'am?
Hermione: *walks over to Georgiana* *gently* Georgiana?
Honor: What happened?
Georgiana: *pale and shaking* Y-yes?
Andy: ....Cordelia Ransom happened, Ma'am.
Hermione: *nudges her gently* Come on, let's get some tea... *is trying to get Georgiana away from things*
Hermione: *in passing, puts the pulser Alistair once loaned her on the table near Andy, not saying a word*
Honor: Has she stooped to random violence now?
Georgiana: He -- he w-was just -- *faints*
Hermione: *catches Georgiana and worries her lip, not sure what to do*
Andy: Apparently so, Ma'am. *is apparently reverting to full Naval protocol, because that at least makes sense* *picks up the pulser and pockets it, then calmly gets a sheet from the plothole and drapes it over Rainier's body* *leaves his hand on Rainier's head for a moment*
Honor: If I didn't think Andrew would kill me if I went after her, I'd offer to look for her with you.
AndrewLaFollet: *where there's an Honor, there's an Andrew* ....What would I kill you for, My Lady?
Honor: Helping Andy go after Cordelia Ransom.
Hermione: *is trying to do what's best for Georgiana, and has put her on a couch, out of sight of Rainier*
AndrewLaFollet: You're right, I would.
Hermione: *calls softly* Georgiana...
Georgiana: *stirs*
Andy: Thank you, Ma'am, but I think I can manage. *is kind of scary when he's emotionally shut down, in his mun's opinion*
Honor: Don't get yourself hurt.
Hermione: *again* Georgiana... Wake up...
Andy: I don't intend to, Ma'am.
Honor: Unintentionally is just as bad.
AndrewLaFollet: *glances at Andy and sheet'd!Rainier* --If you don't get her, Andy, I will.
Andy: *this is actually a faint, if humorless smile* I'll do my best, Ma'am.
Hermione: *softly, but with a dangerous undertone* And if none of you will, I'm sure Jaenelle will...
Georgiana: Hmmmph...? *eyes flutter open*
Rainier|corpseified: *would agree! But ...is dead.*
Hermione: *is glad Georgiana is coming to* Georgiana... come with me, please? We'll get some tea.
Honor: Which should mean you'll succeed.
Georgiana: *nods groggily and sits up*
Hermione: *supports Georgiana into the kitchen*
Georgiana: *into the kitchen, whee*
AndrewLaFollet: *returns to cornerlurking, what an Andrew does best*
Hermione: *guides Georgiana into a nearby chair and helps her sit down* What sort of tea would you like?
* Honor is now known as lurkness
Georgiana: I -- er -- a-any is fine...
Georgiana: *still sorta out of it*
AndrewLaFollet: *lackofHonor'd*
Hermione: *puts a pot of tea in front of Georgiana*
Andy: *is, for the record, still broke'd, still with a dead boyfriend, and somewhat at a loss about what to do with the rather messy corpse*
AndrewLaFollet: *so ...Daemontime, because --apparently, the Ring of Honor alerted him to the lackofRainier*
Hermione: I'll be right back, all right, Georgiana?
* Daemon has joined #desperatefans
* AndrewLaFollet has quit IRC (Quit: AbleNET IRC [http://www.ablenet.org] )
Georgiana: *nods*
Hermione: *ventures out of the kitchen and supports herself against a wall, taking a few deep breaths*
Daemon: *stalks in -- and hey look, it's a pretty pretty reallypissedoffDaemon*
Hermione: *walks a bit closer to Andy and hesitates* ... Sir?
Andy: *a bit flatly* Yes?
Georgiana: *will be sipping tea and shivering and crying in the kitchen for now*
Hermione: *carefully* ... Would you like some help? Is there anything I can do?
Daemon: *stalks over to Andy, snarling* What's going on?
Hermione: *wants to ask if he wants help moving the body, but doesn't know how to offer*
Hermione: *via mindspeak* *Please, Lord Daemon, this is Prince Rainier's boyfriend. He just witnessed Prince Rainier getting shot... Please, sir.*
Andy: *looks at Daemon* Cordelia Ransom is. Shortish, blonde, you only get your hands on her if I don't get there first.
Daemon: *gives him a look right back* Fine.
Hermione: *turn back to Andy and hesitates the Dreaded Question* ... Sir, would you like me to help you move... move... the... *in a near whisper* the body?
Daemon: *and to Hermione* *I know who he is. --I also know Rainier's dead.*
Andy: *looks back at her* .....I would appreciate that, thank you.
Hermione: *nods at Andy and retrieves her wand to levitate the body*
Hermione: ... Where would you want me to take him?
Hermione: *to Daemon* *He's a little too calm... Is there any way anyone can keep an eye on him?*
Daemon: *I will.*
Hermione: *nods once at Daemon and slowly starts to move the body*
Rainier|corpseified: *move'd!*
Hermione: *to Andy* ... Sir?
Andy: *its not like the first time he's watched someone die, is too well trained to break down now, probably will later* .....I don't know. .....I believe the plothole has been used for that before. *hates saying it, but it's true and doesn't know what else to do about it*
Hermione: Hmm...
Daemon: *leans against a wall -- and oh, look, there's ice forming where he's standing*
Hermione: How about we move him to one of the spare rooms until such time as we know what to do?
Hermione: *would probably be scared of ice!Daemon*
Andy: *nods slightly* Alright.
Daemon: *you -should- be scared of ice!Daemon*
Hermione: *moves the body out of the room and into a spare room where she puts it on the empty bed, remembering to cast a cooling charm on and around the area to... ahh... preserve the body*
Hermione: *adjusts the sheet to cover the mess and returns to the main room*
Daemon: *lounging onna wall looking bored*
Andy: *nods to her* Thank you.
Hermione: You're quite welcome, I'm just sorry I was unable to help more... *looks sad as she was only just getting to know Rainier*
* Rainier|corpseified is now known as Rainier|corpseifiedinnaroom
Hermione: *returns to the kitchen to check up on Georgiana*
Daemon: *glances up* --He may become demon-dead.
Andy: *looks at Daemon* *flatly* What do you mean?
Hermione: *gently, to Georgiana, assuming the typist is still here* ... Georgiana?
Daemon: *sounding bored -- and rather looking it, too* People can become demon-dead when they die by violence. It's rather like the living dead.
Hermione: *is glad she's not hearing this as Inferi = YIKES!*
Andy: I see.
Georgiana: *sniffle* Y-yes?
Hermione: ... How are you holding up?
Daemon: *glances toward Rainierroom* --I would certainly say that was violence.
Andy: *nod* I'd have to agree. *reallydoesn'twanttothinkaboutthisrightnow*
Georgiana: I am f-fine.
Hermione: Is there anyone you'd like me to get for you?
* Rainier|corpseifiedinnaroom is now known as Rafe
Rafe: *will come in, as ....Rainier's obviously not doing anything*
Hermione: *would give a great deal to have an Obliviator Squad nearby at the moment, as no one should have had to witness -this-...*
Andy: *is pretty much in full command persona, cause it keeps him calm and functioning properly* Rafe.
* Gavin has joined #desperatefans
Gavin: *peers in*
Rafe: *blinks and tries not to come to attention* Andy. ...Something wrong?
Hermione: *doesn't really know what to do with herself, so starts pacing, looking a bit shell shocked*
Daemon: *nods at Gavin* *and is being sexyandcoldandintimidating inna corner*
Andy: *there's probably still a bloody stain on the couch...!* Rainier's dead. Ransom is back.
Hermione: *may or may not end up venturing inside the main room, depending on if anyone wants to talk*
Rafe: *-blinks-* . . .I assume you've got first shot, then.
Gavin: *well, will greet Daemon with a nod, and-- whoa, hallo, there's a bloody couch in the room*
Gavin: . . .
Hermione: *clearly didn't think of -everything-, hence the bloody couch*
Hermione: *so... belatedly goes into the main room to fix -that- detail, thus giving room to be spoken to*
Hermione: *walks over to the couch and points her want before mumbling a cleaning spell*
Andy: *grim sort-of-smile* I suppose so.
Hermione: *satisfied with her handiwork, she resumes pacing*
Andy: *notices the cleaned couch and shoots a grateful look at Hermione*
Rafe: *sits on a couch, pointedly avoiding the recentlybloodied one* *quietly* I'm sorry, Andy.
Gavin: Um. What exactly-- happened there? *still rather stareblinking at the couch*
Daemon: *glances up* ...Rainier was shot.
Andy: *appreciates it* Just watch your back, alright? *faint smile*
Hermione: *looks up, a rather icy look in her eyes* What he said. *points to Daemon*
Gavin: . . . A shooting. *blinkblink*
Rafe: I always do. *slight smile back*
Hermione: Yes.
Hermione: *hopes Andy doesn't hear this* A nasty, unprovoked attack.
Hermione: From what I can tell, at least.
Gavin: Is-- um. Is everyone else okay?
Rafe: *glances over at Hermione* ...Since it was Ransom, you can be damn sure it was unprovoked.
Hermione: Myself and Miss Darcy were here when it happened.
Hermione: Miss Darcy is... rather shocked.
Andy: *is in the room, of course he hears it*
Hermione: I haven't made up my mind yet, apart from being... displeased. *Yay for understatements!*
Gavin: Understandably.
Gavin: *slightly hesitant* Anything I can do?
Hermione: *hopefully* Do you know anything about dealing with people who witnessed a traumatic event?
Gavin: A bit. I mean, I've dealt with a fair bit of other people's panic by now, anyway.
Hermione: *moves closer to Gavin and continues in a half-whisper, mostly for Andy's benefit* I don't think any of us have fully realised it yet, if that makes sense... I don't know what to do... it's just... I just got here and... that was the first thing I saw...
Rafe: *awkward on a couch*
Daemon: *will exit, probably so he can go blow things up with Craft*
* Daemon has left #desperatefans
Andy: *glances over at the whispering, but really doesn't care at this point* *watches Daemon go a little worriedly*
Hermione: Part of me wants to go after the person that did it, but after the lecture I got the last time I did that, I'm hesitant... *worries her lip, which sort of shows how young she really is*
Rafe: *would do something, but -- yeah, this is just vaguely awkward*
Gavin: Good. You /should/ hesitate. It's dangerous.
Andy: *appreciates his presence, though* *and yeah, would try to stop Hermione if she went after Ransom, it's too dangerous and he has first dibs*
Hermione: *and the anger is starting to kick in some* That just... wasn't -right-.
Hermione: *looks every bit as scary as Ron and Harry say she can be*
Rafe: *is apparently sitting somewhat near Hermione and Gavin, so can hear* Ransom rarely does anything right, miss.
Andy: *grim amusement* Closer to never, but yes.
Hermione: *turns around and asks* Who -was- that, anyway?
Rafe: *grimly* Cordelia Ransom. She's a Peep.
Hermione: *has heard enough from Alistair to know about -them-* ... Oh.
Andy: Also an advocate for prisoner torture, people disappearing, the whole reign of terror thing.
Hermione: ... Is she the insane one Alistair mentioned?
Hermione: *nods at her own question* The insane one then.
Andy: Insane would be a good word, yes.
Gavin: . . . Eesh. 'Insane' definitely sounds right.
Rafe: To say the least.
Hermione: ... Almost a pity Hagrid had to give up Norbert...
Hermione: ... Surely someone will -do- something?
Rafe: *glances at Andy* Of course we'll do something. The bit -- ...she deserves to die.
Hermione: *hesitates for a moment, then chooses to do what she thinks is right, so addressed Rafe* ... Sir?
Rafe: Yes?
Hermione: Ahem... your... friend, I believe, has the pulser Alistair loaned me. So uhh... well... *isn't sure if Andy won't go after Cordy himself, hence the ratting on him...*
Rafe: *nods* Andy's going to take care of it.
Andy: *nods, grimly* *and is unlikely to be talked out of it if that's what she's after*
Georgiana: *is still in the kitchen sipping tea and shivering and crying, I suppose*
Hermione: ... Be careful? It didn't appear to me as if she'd fight fairly.
Hermione: *wanders off to the kitchen to check on Georgiana*
Andy: *nods slightly, and is perfectly aware that she won't fight fairly* *of course, also intends to shoot on sight, so*
Gavin: . . . Try not to get yourself killed.
Rafe: --Again.
Rafe: *would probably be smiling a bit, normally -- but this isn't the time*
Andy: *gives Rafe a Look, but it's actually slightly amused* I'll do my best*
Rafe: Good. I'd hate to have to attend another funeral.
Gavin: *--also, can help with Georgiana?*
Hermione: *would welcome the help, as doesn't really know how to deal with this alone*
Hermione: *always had the help of Madam Pomfrey or other adults*
Hermione: ... Georgiana?
Georgiana: Yes?
Hermione: ... Would you like me to get someone for you?
Hermione: ... What about... *hesitates* Peter? Your brother, perhaps?
Gavin: *well, then, will follow Hermione to the kitchen after a moment, pausing to knock lightly on the door, in case he's interrupting*
Georgiana: I -- I d-do not know... If Peter i-is around... *sniffles*
Hermione: *looks up, grateful for any help she can get and beckons Gavin in*
Hermione: Shall I go have a look for you? Send a message, perhaps?
Georgiana: *nods*
Andy: You won't. Unless you'd like to come to Ransom's, if there is one.
Hermione: *exits, hoping that Gavin will take over for a bit*
Hermione: *there's tea if he wants some*
Rafe: If I can spit on her grave, I'll come.
Georgiana: H-hello, Mr. Gavin.
Andy: *slight smile* Deal.
Gavin: Hi. I'm told you saw-- what happened out there.
Georgiana: Aye.
Rafe: Alright.
Gavin: . . . You should probably sit down.
Gavin: *--right, NEVER SAID THAT*
Hermione: *returns after a brief wile* I've sent an owl to Peter, Georgiana... I hope he'll be here soon...
* PeterP has joined #desperatefans
PeterP: *ask and you shall recieve*
Georgiana: Thank you, Hermione. Y-you are very kind.
Andy: .....I'll see you around, Rafe. *heads out, presumably to look for Ransom but more likely to properly break down first, glancing at the door of the room where they left Rainier on his way*
Gavin: Now. Do you want to talk over what happened? *calm, but fairly firm tone*
Rafe: ...Be careful, Andy.
Georgiana: H-how do you mean?
Andy: *nods* I will. *goes*
* Andy is now known as Andy-away
Hermione: *leans against the kitchen counter, obviously not willing to have her own panic attack just yet*
Gavin: Just-- explain. I've already been told, but sometimes it helps.
Rafe: *also exits, as ...Andy's gone*
* Rafe has left #desperatefans

andrew lafollet, rainier, georgiana darcy, hermione, daemon sadi, andy venizelos, honor harrington, gavin, cordelia ransom, rafe cardones

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