Kaelas, Draco & Armand with a generous side of Jaenelle

May 05, 2006 18:45

This is what actually happened...

Session Start (AbleNet:#desperatefans): Tue May 02 15:01:43 2006

*** Kaelas has joined #desperatefans.
Kaelas: *enters, looking distinctly human and rather grumpy*
Armand: *is outside with Chris sleeping on his lap*
Kaelas: [He's a very very well-muscled human who's probably going around shirtless, too]
Georgiana: ....
Georgiana: *stares*
Georgiana: *and then remembers herself and curtsies, eyes averted*
Kaelas: *bares teeth at Georgie*
Cosette: *blinkblinkblink*
Armand: *comes in to get a blanket for Chris* *blinks at Kaelas*
Kaelas: *eyes fix on him* Arrrrrrrrmand...
Draco: *looks very bothered*
Kaelas: *keeping an eye on Draco, because remembers him*
Draco: It was not my -fault-.
Cosette: *curtsies quickly, with a massive blush*
Georgiana: *is still trying not to stare at the shirtless man*
Armand: *closes mouth* What happened?
Draco: *had not even kissed anyone else but Harry before so this has disturbed him*
Kaelas: *just snarls*
Armand: *winces*
Kaelas: Exxxxxxcussssse. *approaches Draco*
Cosette: *ack! shirtless man approaching! blushes*
Draco: *eyes Kaelas suspiciously, not recognising him like that*
Kaelas: You not rrrrrrecognissssse me.
Draco: Should I?
Armand: *trails after him, hoping there isn't trouble*
Kaelas: I am Kaelasssssss
Draco: *thinks the name sounds vaguely familiar but doesn't put two and two together*
Draco: Have we met?
Kaelas: You don't like catsssssssss
Kaelas: *his movement and speech are very feline still, btw*
Georgiana: *gapes*
Draco: *narrows eyes then abruptly it clicks and he falters* You... You've changed.
Draco: *looks unsettled*
Draco: *glances quickly at Armand*
Cosette: *latches on to Georgiana's arm*
Armand: I'd advise you to be polite, M. Malfoy.
Kaelas: Did you... *gestures to changed body*
Cosette: *covers her eyes*
Draco: *frowns at Armand* You think I'm -not-?
Draco: *back to Kaelas* What? No.. I didn't do that....
Armand: *looks a bit relieved himself*
Draco: You look... very good though.
Kaelas: Of courrrrsssse I do.
Georgiana: *has covered her eyes as well*
Draco: *is in a subdued mood, plus isn't about to anger Kaelas again, as he remembers what happened before*
Draco: *raises an eyebrow* So you did not transfigure yourself?
Kaelas: *sneers* Why sssssshould I want to be hhhhuman?
Armand: *winces*
Draco: *snickers slightly* Humans -are- overrated, yes...
Kaelas: *nods slowly* I am glad you agrrrrrree.
Draco: It is awful how they use being human as an excuse for all their mistakes.
Kaelas: Yessssssssss
Draco: You are.. a very powerful being, correct?
Kaelas: Yessssssssss
Draco: Then I would assume that some god or goddess here did the transforming .. so you should take your vengeance out on them.
Armand: *quietly* It usually only means we aren't perfect.
Cosette: *peeks out through her fingers*
Kaelas: Wherrrrrrrrre?
Draco: You should strive to be perfect though.
Draco: Where? The Gods? Who knows? There are so many of them.
Armand: You're as human as I am, Draco Malfoy.
Kaelas: *snarls* I sssssssshall sssssssseek.
Draco: *pointedly at Armand* But I do -try- to be better than that.
Kaelas: But I dissssstrrrrrressssssss the ladiesssssssss. I ssssssssshall go.
Draco: I think your lack of attire is distressing the ladies..
Draco: Perhaps put a shirt on?
Cosette: Dis...distressed? We're...we're not...we aren't...
Cosette: *blush*
Kaelas: You ssssssssay I am hideousssssssss, that I need coverrrrrrrrr my body?
Draco: No. Just half naked.
Cosette: *re-covers her eyes*
Georgiana: It is n-not that you a-are hideous, sir.
Armand: So do many of us, M. Malfoy. *looks aside to Kaelas* No, but that humans generally clothe themselves more. We don't have fur.
Draco: Which they are not used to, it seems.
Georgiana: 'Tis m-most improper...
Cosette: Not hideous. Just...inappropropriately clothed....
Kaelas: I ssssssssshall go.
Draco: I can clothe you, if you like?
Georgiana: We d-do not m-mean to offend, sir.
Draco: *takes out his wand*
Draco: *and waits, not wanting to do without permission*
Cosette: No. No. We certainly do not.
Kaelas: *snarls loudly, baring teeth at sight of the wand*
Draco: *flinches and takes a step back*
Armand: Would you prefer to go, Kaelas?
Cosette: *squeaks*
Kaelas: *turns and strides out with his dangerous feline grace*
Draco: Hmph. Oh, well.. *slips his wand away again*
Armand: *lets out the breath he was holding*
Cosette: *squeaks a bit more and uncovers her eyes*
Draco: *looks at Armand* What are you? His personal assistant?
Armand: He's in Lady Jaenelle's First Circle. He'd protect me too, even if it was just from misunderstanding or undue embarrassment.
Draco: Oh, he's your bodyguard then....
Armand: Not mine personally.
Cosette: He...and...no shirt...
Armand: He's used to being a very large... tiger, Cosette.
Kaelas: [No, more like a white lion]
Draco: [[Kimba]]
Kaelas: [XD]
Draco: [[But bigger! XD]]
Armand: [very large and feline.. a tiger is what armand thinks of]
Cosette: But.../clothing/!
Armand: He's not used to it.
Draco: Well, I -did- offer to help with that.
Draco: Everyone is so disagreeable!
Cosette: *is, for the moment, rather traumatised*
Armand: Couldn't you see the offer itself offended him? *gives up*
Draco: .... *frowns* Do I have a sign over me saying everyone has to be a prat to me and treat me as if I'm about to hex them into oblivion? Because that is all I get - with the exception of these two nice ladies.
Armand: You just don't get it.
Draco: Get -what-?
Armand: *goes to find the blanket he was originally looking for* *stops and sighs* That some things are inherently offensive, even if you smile or mean well.
Draco: People treated me more reasonably when I was being a flirtatious git so maybe I should try that again?
Cosette: *blink*
Armand: Everyone knew you weren't yourself. *goes to the plothole*
Draco: So that means they treat me with more -respect-?
Draco: Because I'm not -myself-?
Armand: *comes back with a blanket* More gingerly. One is always polite to lunatics.
Draco: .... So I should act nutters?
Armand: *slight smile* It might be an improvement.
Draco: *frowns at Armand* You just don't like me, do you?
Cosette: Oh, M. Malfoy, that isn't true!
Draco: Well, he's always -at- me, Cosette.
Draco: No matter what I do or say.
Armand: *pained smile* That's not the sort of question I can answer honestly.
Jaenelle: *wanders in*
Armand: What am I, Malfoy? If you can answer that question truthfully, I'll answer you.
Cosette: *frets*
Jaenelle: Is something the matter?
Draco: Yes, you can.
Draco: What question? If I like -you-?
Cosette: *glances at Jaenelle* They've been arguing.
Jaenelle: *to Cosette with a sigh* About what?
Armand: This isn't arguing, Cosette.
Armand: Do you like me?
Draco: He is always the one starting any bloody arguments with me! I was minding my own business.
Draco: I would, perhaps, if you would stop starting things with me for no reason.
Cosette: About silly things, really.
Armand: And I was minding you didn't accidentally piss off a Warlord Prince enough to get yourself killed.
Jaenelle: *narrows eyes* Which Warlord Prince?
Draco: But you jumped on me before I.. did -anything-. *glares at Armand*
Armand: Have you seen Kaelas lately, Lady?
Armand: I -warned- you.
Draco: You hate me.
Georgiana: *hostility, oh noes!*
Armand: There is only one person alive I truly hate, and you are not him.
Jaenelle: *eyes flash* Silence, both of you.
Armand: *shuts up*
Draco: *frowns* ...
Cosette: *blinks*
Jaenelle: *to Armand* Warlord, what's happened to Kaelas?
Draco: *mutters under his breath*
Armand: He seems to have run afoul of one of the pranks that always happen around here. He appears to be human.
Georgiana: A-and without proper clothing.
Jaenelle: *eyes flash to Draco* What was that?
Jaenelle: *lips twitch a little when she hears Armand and Georgie* Oh dear...
Cosette: He was practically /naked/.
Draco: ... *eyes glance from Armand to Jaenelle* I said he's just like a bloody Gryffindor.
Draco: *meaning Armand*
Armand: *normally would consider that a compliment but at the moment just winces*
Jaenelle: *sighs* What was he wearing?
Draco: Your friend? Next to nothing.
Georgiana: I s-saw skin, madam!
Cosette: Nothing!
Georgiana: *scaaaandalous*
Armand: He did wear trousers, Lady.
Georgiana: But th-there was s-skin.
Cosette: And far too much of it.
Draco: *mutters* I did offer to get him a shirt..
Jaenelle: *murmurs* Skin. How scandalous. *aloud* I'll have a word with him, ladies.
Cosette: I would be most grateful, mlle.
Draco: Perhaps you can answer me something, Miss? *looks to Jaenelle*
Jaenelle: Yes?
Draco: I want to know why my every attempt at helping people results in them being rude and acting like I am attacking them.
Draco: This has happened far too often.
Jaenelle: This is not the first time you've met Kaelas.
Draco: No.. But it is not only him.
Draco: Everyone treats me like... like I am some terrible person.
Draco: Even without knowing me.
Jaenelle: I can only judge you from that. But if your first meetings with people are often like that, it doesn't surprise me that people treat you like that.
Draco: They are very quick to judge, in that case.
Jaenelle: The first time I met you, you had just aggravated one of my closest friends to the killing edge.
Draco: But I didn't know he was... something other than a beast. How was I to know?
Jaenelle: *raises an eyebrow* If I met a cat that size, I'd treat him with respect even if he was landen.
Draco: *frowns* Sometimes I am just trying to understand certain things and -nobody- gives me a chance.
Draco: I was brought up a certain way.
Draco: I don't always understand.... other people's.. ways.
Draco: And when I do ask they jump down my throat.
Armand: *tenses up a lot* *but has been keeping quiet as he was told*
Jaenelle: This is a different place from where you were brought up. I'd suggest you either try to understand very quickly, or tread very carefully if you want to stay in one piece.
Draco: I -have- been.
Draco: Whatever I try to do it always seems to... backfire.
Jaenelle: You may be a friend of Hermione, but I take no responsibilty for anything that happens to you through your own recklessness.
Draco: *frustrated look*
Jaenelle: Then try to find out why it backfires.
Draco: ....
Draco: I don't -know-.
Cosette: *feels bad for poor Draco*
Jaenelle: Well, when you first met Kaelas, what went wrong?
Draco: Well... he was an animal. I... don't like animals....
Draco: I didn't know he was more than that.
Draco: *was only trying to get away from him at the time, I think..*
Jaenelle: So next time be more careful with animals who could easily bite your head off without noticing.
Draco: ....
Draco: *points at Armand* Tell him to get off my back then.
Jaenelle: *to Armand* What's the matter, Warlord?
Cosette: *looks back to Draco* M. Malfoy...he's only trying to help you...
Armand: I don't mean to be rude, Lady. My own prejudice seems to get in the way.
Draco: By jeering at me and turning on me whenever I utter a word?
Draco: *to Armand* Because I am a wizard?
Georgiana: *really, really does not like hostility*
Armand: Because you're a wizard who considers -me- a Muggle. *doesn't dare say anymore*
Draco: *rolls eyes* That's because you -are- a Muggle.
Draco: It is not an insulting term in of itself.
Cosette: *frowns quite a bit*
Gavin: *will not comment, will not comment, will not comment*
Draco: -All- wizards call your kind Muggles, for Salazar's sake.
Armand: Not all of you do it to our faces. *really trying not to lose his temper again, honest*
Draco: Your attitude is like me being insulted by being called a wizard!
Cosette: *wanders over closer to Georgiana*
Jaenelle: Silence.
Armand: *flinches and shuts up again*
Jaenelle: Mister Malfoy, what is your definition of a Muggle?
Cosette: *curtsies* Monsieur Gavin.
Draco: A non magical person.
Georgiana: H-hello, sir.
Draco: The -word- is a label, not an insult.
Gavin: *with a glance in Draco's direction* . . . I think I've had that conversation at least five times. Kind of figured I didn't need to go there again, since it doesn't get anywhere.
Jaenelle: Warlord, have you mastered any use of your Jewel yet?
Cosette: It's very upsetting to watch.
Cosette: As I'm fond of both M. Malfoy /and/ Armand.
Armand: A little, Lady. Not much yet.
Jaenelle: Are you able to call in small objects?
Armand: Yes, Lady.
Jaenelle: Do so now.
Draco: *makes a frustrated sound*
Georgiana: *nods in agreement with Cosette*
Gavin: Really? *blinks* *has trouble understanding why someone would like Draco, apparently XD*
Draco: *sits down, looking abruptly dejected*
Armand: *calls in one of the small knives he's been practicing with* *it's sheathed, but he quickly turns it around to hold it by the sheath so it's obviously not a threat*
Cosette: Yes. Oh, I know he can sometimes be disagreeable, but he is really quite sweet.
Jaenelle: Did you see that, Mister Malfoy?
Draco: ... So?
Draco: That is a different style of magic.
Draco: It is not in the blood.
Jaenelle: It is in the Blood.
Draco: He is a Muggle with tricks.
Gavin: . . . I can't say I've ever seen that side of him.
Jaenelle: *challenging look* Then am I also a Muggle with tricks?
Draco: If you were not born a witch, then yes.
Draco: *isn't meaning to be insulting, just stating facts as he knows them*
Jaenelle: I was born a witch. But when Lorn gave Armand his Jewel, he made it as though he had been born a Warlord.
Draco: Warlord? That is still not a wizard. And is he insulted being labeled Warlord? *pointed look*
Jaenelle: *gives a Look* Warlord is our equivalent to wizard.
Cosette: I think that all you have to do is be polite.
Georgiana: Y-yes, then he is v-very nice.
Draco: So it is insulting to call someone a Muggle because it is non magical? Is that why he is insulted?
Draco: Isn't that a double standard...
Jaenelle: I am just pointing out that it is inaccurate.
Draco: *is polite to polite people, yes XD*
Jaenelle: Would you like to be called a landen?
Draco: Unless he was born a wizard, it is -not- innaccurate to call him a Muggle.
Draco: That depends.. What is it?
Jaenelle: It is our equivalent to Muggle.
Gavin: I could be wrong, but I don't remember being incredibly /impolite./
Draco: Considering I am a natural wizard then it would be innacurate - but still not an insult as it is not true. *raises a eyebrow*
Armand: *watching Draco with a frown*
Jaenelle: You are not Blood, so from my point of view, it is accurate.
Draco: *turns on Armand sharply* Do you treat Potter this way?
Jaenelle: Warlord, would you feel better if Mister Malfoy didn't call you a Muggle?
Armand: *will answer Jaenelle first* I would, but it will never happen. *to Draco* M. Potter is nice to me.
Cosette: Oh, I'm sure you weren't, M. Gavin!
Gavin: Apparently he took it that way.
Draco: I -try- to be nice to you too, but you just don't let me.
Draco: Is it an insult to call you a human?
Draco: Or a man?
Armand: If you'll accept the same labels yourself. Wizards are human. Blood are human. Muggles and landens are human.
Jaenelle: Quiet. Mister Malfoy, would you have an objection to refraining from calling Armand and others in my court Muggles?
Draco: I do not even believe I have used that term lately. This .. prejudice of his goes deeper than a mere label.
Cosette: Well, I think that you're quite nice.
Armand: *bites his tongue to keep quiet*
Draco: *frowns at him* I am not a Death Eater.
Jaenelle: *Warlord, what else is the matter?*
Draco: *goes on* You will please stop treating me as if you think that I -am-.
Armand: *Please just forbid me to speak to him. It's the only thing that will work. I -have- tried to be nice, Lady, I swear it.*
Draco: *would rather get this out in the open and fix it, but...*
Jaenelle: What is a Death Eater?
Draco: It is a follower of the.. Dark Lord.
Draco: I have .. turned away from that way.
Armand: He means the wizard that calls himself Voldemort, Lady.
Draco: I never had the bloody -Mark-.
Draco: ...
Draco: *barely flinches*
Jaenelle: Would you be willing to open your mind to me so I can see the truth of your statement?
Draco: Me...?
Jaenelle: Yes.
Draco: You .... *lets out a breath and nods grimly* Fine. Yes.
Draco: *tries to stop himself from blocking her as he's defensive*
Jaenelle: *puts a hand on Draco's shoulder and closes her eyes for only a short moment, only touching his mind long enough to check for truth and make sure he isn't tainted*
Draco: *is being honest about this*
Jaenelle: [She probably would have been able to get through any blocks he put up anyway, but asks to be polite]
Jaenelle: *looks at Armand* He tells the truth. Is my word enough for you, Warlord?
Draco: [[And until we actually -see- a Dark Mark on Draco in the books, I'm sticking by this story. XD]]
Armand: *nods* It is, Lady.
Draco: Then you will stop treating me as if I am going to perform Curses on you any second?
Jaenelle: In addition, Mister Malfoy, I stick by my request not to call any of my Circle Muggles, and I will ask them not to call any of your kind landens.
Draco: *frowns at her* Isn't Hermione Granger-Weasley part of your... Circle?
Jaenelle: She is.
Draco: And she hasn't called anybody a Muggle?
Armand: She refrains from it when asked. In my experience anyway.
Jaenelle: If she has called anyone in my Circle a Muggle, she will not do so again.
Draco: *looks at him* Then what am I supposed to call you?
Armand: My name usually works, M. Malfoy.
Draco: St Just?
Armand: *flnches then softly because there's no way Draco could know that the only person who actually calls him St. Just only was Rosier* That would do.
Draco: *is uncomfortable with first names and only even calls his husband by first name half the time XD*
Jaenelle: Are there any other problems?
Draco: I don't know.. Is there? *looks at Armand*
Armand: No, Lady. *probably half a lie but is actually fighting down being scared now not anger*
Draco: *frowns at Armand a bit as if sensing something*
Armand: *is remembering a little too much about Rosier at the moment*
Draco: *eyes Armand suspiciously*
Draco: I'm sure you'll be relieved to know I'm going away for a few days.
Armand: *vanishes the knife and hugs the blanket he'd gotten earlier for Chris* *quietly, with a very shaky voice* I heard that from your husband. I-I... hope you work things out.
Draco: *raises an eyebrow in slight surprise* .. Thank you.
Armand: I don't mean you ill, M. Malfoy. I don't hate you.
Draco: Most people here.. act like they do.
Armand: To answer your question from earlier. I don't like you, but I don't hate you.
Draco: .... Likewise. Though if you gave me a chance that may change.
Jaenelle: *so yes, has been watching and listening to their conversation*
Draco: *is trying to be polite*
Armand: *softly, actually is shaking a bit* It is hard to forget the harm done to me by wizards. I-I was just trying to make sure you and Kaelas didn't end up fighting. If you did, you'd lose, even if he'd have to answer for it later.
Draco: I was not about to cross him again.
Draco: You -do- know Potter is a wizard too, yes?
Armand: I do, but as I said he's always been nice to me. Like Minerva McGonagall.
Draco: *raises an eyebrow* And I have heard -her- call people Muggles...
Jaenelle: Mister Malfoy, other people are not the issue at present.
Draco: I am just -saying-.
Draco: Gryffindors are such hypocrites.
Jaenelle: Well, then. You can take that up with Gryffindors.
Armand: *wearily* It's the context, M. Malfoy. Among yourselves, when no one is listening, call us whatever you want. But I won't have it said to my face. *bites back the next thing he was going to say*
Draco: *rolls eyes* Fine.
Armand: Even you don't think I should lump all wizards together for what a few did to me.
Draco: No, but I am not insulted by being called a wizard.
Armand: But you would be insulted if I told you that about every 3rd thing you said or did reminded me of Evan Rosier.
Draco: *frowns* ... It does?
Chris: (Ennis: -- does /everyone/ have unfortonuate experiences with this Rosier?)
Armand: [yes!]
Draco: *has been tortured by Rosier too*
Chris: (Ennis: -- *just had his clothes stolen*)
Armand: *really having trouble speaking clearly right now he's so upset, but it isn't anger* The way you say certain words. Your pride in being a -pureblood- wizard. Your attitude that we're all out to get you or insult you.
Georgiana: [*had Rosier kind of almost kill her boyfriend?*]
Draco: You're saying I should not be proud of who I am? Of my heritage?
Armand: Rosier is proud of the same things.
Draco: So I should not be simply because he is a psychopath?
Draco: I am -not- him.
Armand: *bites his tongue again and looks away*
Draco: Did you know he has tortured me? He is -insane-. I am not like him. *frowns*
Draco: And I do not appreciate being compared to him.
Armand: Then take a little less pride in being what he is most proud of being.
Chris: *wanders back in and sees his husband* *starts to smile, but stops and rushes over to him instead* Darling?
Draco: *frowns* That is like saying I should not be proud of being a man simply because he is also male.
Jaenelle: *goes over to Chris*
Armand: *tries to smile at Chris but watches Jaenelle instead*
Chris: *blinks a bit at Jaenelle, but gives a polite bow*
Draco: ..... I think this conversation is done. Can we move on?
Jaenelle: *quietly* They need to sort this out themselves. Don't worry. I've been making sure they don't overreact.
Chris: May I at least see my husband?
Jaenelle: Soon. *apologetic smile* Would you like a honeycake?
Chris: *sighs* No, thank you.
Armand: **is looking at the floor now, trying not to cry* I don't think I -can- talk about this anymore, M. Malfoy.
Draco: Then don't. I am not meaning to upset you, you realise.
Armand: I know you don't mean to upset me, but I -am- upset, very much so. *looking very steadily at the floor*
Jaenelle: Mister Malfoy, may I speak with you? *to Chris, quietly, touching his arm before stepping towards Draco* Look after him. He's been trying.
Chris: *nods quickly*
Draco: .... What is it? *looks at Jaenelle*
Jaenelle: I just wanted to have a chat with you. Would you like a honeycake?
Draco: *defensively* I said -nothing- to upset him on purpose.
Jaenelle: *mildly* Did I say you did? But you didn't answer my question.
Draco: It is not any attempt to be upsetting to say I am proud of being a wizard.
Draco: .... No. Thank you.
Jaenelle: I didn't suggest anything of the kind, Mister Malfoy. Do you mind if I have a honeycake, then?
Draco: *irritably* You can do whatever you want.
Jaenelle: Thank you. Then I'd also like to apologise for any insult on my part or that of Armand.
Armand: *still looking at the floor and very, very tense*
Draco: .... *warily* Alright...
Jaenelle: I won't pretend that it hasn't been hard not to dislike you, but I don't want to see you come to harm.
Chris: *hovering nearby*
Draco: *sarcastically* Oh, thank you so very much. Please don't do me any favours.
Jaenelle: *frowns* What's the matter?
Draco: You all want to not like me, then fine. I don't need any of you, alright?
Draco: As it is so very -hard-.
Jaenelle: Don't twist my words, Mister Malfoy.
Armand: *looks up and frowns at Draco*
Jaenelle: I -want- to like you. I trust Hermione's judgement, and don't think she'd like you unless you were worth liking.
Draco: *frowns and just looks frustrated*
Jaenelle: And I believe I can see what she likes in you.
Draco: You can?
Jaenelle: I can. *small grin* You're doing a good job of hiding it beneath all your pride, but it's there.
Draco: *suspiciously* ... What?
Jaenelle: What what?
Draco: What do you think I'm hiding?
Jaenelle: *fluffs hair* It's hard to say. But basically, you're human. And a good person. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Draco: *raises eyebrows* A good person..? Do you really think that?
Jaenelle: Do you doubt it?
Draco: I.. It just surprises me to hear someone say that.
Jaenelle: Because you don't let people see it.
Draco: .... What is the point?
Draco: I don't want others to see me as weak.
Jaenelle: You complain of how people treat you. If they only see your pride, it won't change.
Jaenelle: Do you see me as weak, then?
Draco: No...
Jaenelle: Why would you be weak, then, if you didn't hide behind pride?
Draco: *very quietly* I've been often told how much of a disappointment I was.
Jaenelle: *quietly* Why?
Cosette: Why, any well-bred and proper young lady!
Draco: *grimly* Because nothing I ever did was good enough for my father.
Jaenelle: I understand the feeling.
Draco: I tried to prove myself. I -did-. But it.. never was good enough and.... *shakes his head, looking frustrated and angry*
Jaenelle: And his opinion is important to you.
Georgiana: I do n-not think I could /ever/ do it.
Draco: It.. Well, it -was-, yes.. And now... it.. still is in a way.
Draco: I wanted him to be proud of me.
Jaenelle: Maybe he isn't the father of your soul.
Cosette: Don't you want to have children?
Draco: And I -am- proud of being what I am. Why shouldn't I be?
Draco: *frowns* What do you mean..?
Jaenelle: Saetan isn't my real father. My real parents... *shudders in memory*
Jaenelle: *quietly* When I was small, they thought I was mentally ill. They sent me to a 'hospital for sick children'. The uncles there... They went there for a different reason. But even without that, I just wanted them to love me. It hurt when they kept saying I was sick.
Draco: *frowns*
Jaenelle: But then I met Saetan. And I knew that he was the father of my soul. The person who would be my father in a way no one in my physical family had been.
Draco: I.. I don't want another father figure. I don't want anyone...
Jaenelle: Is that true?
Draco: *frowns* ... Does it matter?
Jaenelle: Why do you care what people think of you, then, if you don't need anyone?
Armand: *is really too tired to keep standing, so sinks to his knees but is still watching Jaenelle and Draco intently*
Draco: I -don't- care... I just do not need any more enemies and I also do not like being attacked for no good reason.
Chris: *kneels beside Armand and hugs him tightly*
Armand: *doesn't look at Chris but relaxes slightly* *shaking still though*
Jaenelle: Then maybe I was wrong. *goes to stand*
Chris: *kisses his cheek* It's alright... it's alright...
Draco: ... Fine. *subdued, slightly defeated tone*
Draco: *looks away, seeming to be thinking*
Jaenelle: *watches him for a moment, then looks towards Armand and Chris to see how they are*
Armand: *looks wound pretty tight, sorry to say*
Jaenelle: *goes to kneel by Armand, calling in a flask of a soothing brew* Take a sip of this, Armand.
Armand: *blinks, actually focuses on her face, nods silently then obeys* *then leans against Chris, mostly trying not to cry*
Jaenelle: [It'll be one of the ones that tastes like drinking honeyed sunlight]
Armand: [oh good... it's just that what's causing strain now is not falling apart in front of people]
Draco: *eyes them then walks outside swiftly*
Jaenelle: [Well, it'll calm him down almost completely if he has enough]
Jaenelle: Is that better?
Armand: *shakily* Yes, Lady. Some.
Jaenelle: *eyes the amount in the flask, then empties some into another and hands the original one to Chris* This will be safe if he needs more. *squeezes Armand's shoulder, then gets up and leaves them together*
Armand: *curls up against Chris, still trying not to cry in public, yet again*
Armand: Chris? *softly*
Chris: Yes darling?
Armand: I think it's time to go home.
Jaenelle: *sits down and reads in a corner*
Chris: *nods* Of course. We'll go home.
Chris: *wraps his arm around Armand's waist*
*** Harry has joined #desperatefans.
Armand: *leans against Chris and heads home*
Chris: *yayhome*
Harry: *wanders in tiredly*
Jaenelle: *smiles at Harry over her book*
Harry: *smiles back* Hi..
Jaenelle: Not looking for Draco, are you?
Harry: Um.. I ran into him outside.
Jaenelle: Is he okay?
Harry: He said he was going to go lie down but told me to stay. Did something else happen? He looked a bit upset.
Jaenelle: *fluffs hair* Well, he had a chat with Kaelas. And then Armand. And then me.
Harry: Oh.. And?
Jaenelle: Well, maybe I'm scarier than I look *small grin*
Harry: *blinks and sits down*
Jaenelle: He confuses me.
Harry: Who? Draco?
Jaenelle: *nods* I -know- he's a good person, but he seems to want to pretend he isn't.
Harry: *smiles slightly* He.. does act different when we're alone.
Harry: He gets very defensive among others, I've noticed.
Jaenelle: I did catch a slight whiff of that.
Harry: It took him ages to let his guard down around me.
Jaenelle: There are only a couple of people he lets his guard down around, then?
Harry: *nods* I think he does with Hermione too. I do know they talk alot...
Jaenelle: That's why I want to give him a chance.
Harry: It took me years to give him a chance...
Harry: But I am glad that I finally did.
Jaenelle: Well, I doubt Hermione would bother with someone who wasn't worth liking.
Harry: Hermione is smart, yeah.
Jaenelle: *anyway* She is. And a good judge of character. Which is why I'm giving him a chance.
Harry: That's nice of you. He requires.. alot of patience sometimes.
Jaenelle: *amused* I'd noticed.
Harry: He really is rather decent once you know him though. Or at least he treats -me- well when we're together... That took six years or so though..
Jaenelle: Just a little patience, then *laughs*
Harry: Well things changed when he.. um....
Harry: *blinks at the other conversation*
Jaenelle: *to Harry* Sorry, dear. Are you okay?
Harry: Yeah... I.. Yeah.
Harry: *looks a bit sad*
Jaenelle: What's the matter?
Harry: Nothing... It's OK.
Jaenelle: If you're sure....
Jaenelle: Do you want a honeycake?
Harry: S'just something I have to figure out with Draco.
Harry: No, thanks. I'm fine.
Jaenelle: ...Okay then.
Harry: *sighs quietly*
Jaenelle: *fluffs hair* Doesn't -anyone- here like honeycakes?
Session Close (#desperatefans): Tue May 02 22:46:21 2006

georgiana darcy, chris wren, kaelas, cosette, armand, jaenelle, gavin, harry potter, draco

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