Hello friends! Dewbot reporting in to let all of you know that I'm busy doing some very important things in my room! Please do not worry for me if you happen not to see me for a while! Please do not disturb me. Everything is fine.
*He's outside the base, shooting things, when he hears an odd clicking noise over the sound of his weapons. He turns around to see a couple of small purple insects apparently wriggling their way out of a vent in the side of the base. He continues to watch as they scuttle off...somewhere. He assumes these are a few of the drones that have been
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*Anyone hanging around the entrance to the base is treated to the sight of a very disgruntled-looking soda machine limping into the base, slightly dented and covered in broken eggs and flour.*
>: (
Humans are demented. I'll make sure to squish them next time. >_<.