Minor Freak Accident Update

Nov 30, 2009 22:11

My daughter saw an orthopedist today. He ordered more X-rays. These showed the needle migrating towards the joint, so she goes into surgery tomorrow. :( General anasthesia for the second time this year. Oy ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

polly_b December 1 2009, 15:09:59 UTC
Hugs for you and positive thoughts for your daughter. How's your foot?


devin_chain December 2 2009, 04:01:11 UTC
Thank you for asking about my foot. It's still tender, but much better today.

*hugs* back


chicklet_girl December 1 2009, 19:31:59 UTC
She's probably done with the surgery by now -- I hope everything went well!


devin_chain December 2 2009, 04:01:44 UTC
It's all over and she's fine. Thank you!


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