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OPEN 19TH and Onward, Late afternoonish. thehawks_eye March 20 2011, 03:09:32 UTC
Hurensohn! [Sometime around late afternoon on the 19th, Riza's cussing - in Amestrian can be heard as she literally is escorted in by Castiel, who's arm she has a literal death grip on.

She managed to kill another of the worms, but was caught in the death throws. Or, the upper part of her back and a bit of her right arm was. the back of her shirt's in tatters and what's visible looks a mess. The angry red of the tattoo on her back can also be seen, along with older burns in some parts.] Please tell me if I'm going to break your arm.

[She'd already said that how many times now?]

{{OOC: All swearing's in German, if you wanna look it up. 8D}}


gained_a_level March 20 2011, 03:18:32 UTC
[Castiel waited until he was certain she was set on solid ground and comfortable.]


[He wouldn't have been so insistent if it weren't for the fact that he needed him right now.]


was_angelcondom March 20 2011, 03:41:43 UTC
[For someone who'd been working in and out here without much sleep, Adam was pretty alert. And well Castiel was really fricking loud. He rushed over to tell him off, for yelling in the hospital and disturbing other patients before he noticed Riza.] Well fuck.

Right give me a sec.

[He turns around, and runs out of the room, for on of those trolleys Hadesu had readied. Find the nearest one, and checking if everything was there, he drages it back to the room, and stops it near Riza. Quickly pulling on a set of gloves.] Right we need to start neturalising the posion now. Where else did you get burned Riza?


thehawks_eye March 20 2011, 03:51:27 UTC
A-Arm. Shiza! [Even shifting to try and peel her shirt off was a no-go as that just agitated the wound even more.]

'M sorry. [She was, because she was trying to extract herself from death gripping Castiel's arm - she didn't want to hurt him if she could help it.]


gained_a_level March 20 2011, 04:31:46 UTC
[While relieved that Adam arrived quickly... he is, for the most part, ignores the grunts and pleas. Any bruising received by Castiel goes unnoticed for now.]]

Shall I hold her down?


was_angelcondom March 20 2011, 04:44:38 UTC
[Adam nods, and he gently tries to peel off the cloth attached to her skin. He wished there was a less painful way to do this..] Not too roughly.


thehawks_eye March 20 2011, 04:56:12 UTC
Do it. Please. [Riza's eye's widened a little, and she manged a node before sucking in a breath. It hurts - a lot, and whatever deathgrip she had on Castiel returned. She refused to scream but a whimper did escape her - a loud one, along with a choked sob.

She didn't even care that as the shirt's remains where being peeled off, her alchemical array-tattoo was being revealed. Or was was left that wasn't covered in new burns.]


gained_a_level March 20 2011, 05:00:39 UTC

[Castiel shoves Riza down by the shoulders with an impassive look, holding her firmly into place where necessary to remove the garment.]

...Those markings...


was_angelcondom March 20 2011, 05:55:45 UTC
[The moment Castiel holds Riza down, Adam is peeling off the burnt cloth, wincing as he does.] ...are not worth askign about right now. Keep her down, the naeutraliser to going to sting a lot.


gained_a_level March 20 2011, 13:45:09 UTC
[The angel gives a firm nod, then bears down on Riza with his vessel's weight. After a moment he glances up at Adam. Ready when you are, Adam.]


OH FFS. How did i not catch those typos? /facedesk was_angelcondom March 20 2011, 14:02:23 UTC
[Without waiting for Riza to adjust to the pressure he starts swabbing at the burns. Better to do ie now, while she's distracted. He's so sorry about this Riza.] Hold on for a little bit Riza. Almost done.


<3 ILU both. thehawks_eye March 20 2011, 15:18:18 UTC
[Riza ignores the question about her back, though there is a new tell tale tenseness to her, though that could just be the fact that she struggle not to scream in pain because her back literally feels like it is on fire. Fire worse than even Roy Mustang could make it. It does pass her mind that she's probably overstating it, but she doesn't care. She's also well aware that some of the hissed Amestrian is rather vile and should never be said by a woman.

Again, she doesn't care.

Of course, she does cry/scream a good death despite her best attempts, fighting to keep herself conscious through all this when her body just wants to shut down.]


TYPOS EVERYWHERE! I love firefox for its spellchecker though :3 gained_a_level March 20 2011, 16:57:14 UTC
[Castiel's grip remains firm, but he does struggle when Riza reacts to the pain. If he had been able to, he would have made this easier on her by rendering her unconscious a touch of his hand. Taking her to Adam had been his priority.]

Do you have anything for the pain?


I keep forgetting to re-install mine. was_angelcondom March 21 2011, 05:19:42 UTC
[His head snaps up at that, because seriously why hadn't he thought of it. They did have some sedatives. Mild ones.

He pulls off his gloves, and reaches for the trolley pulling out cotton, rubbing alcohol, a syringe and a small bottle. After he finishes swabbing her arm, he sticks the needle in the syringe and, he fills in with clear liquid.]

It's not much, because any stronger stuff is still in testing. But it should help a little.

[It takes a little longer to find a vein. He's not so competant, since he's still a student. But he does, and injects her.]


XD /pets. /Hopes this works. / see icon. thehawks_eye March 21 2011, 06:01:24 UTC
[The needle's nothing compared to the pain on her back, so she takes it. Much like a solider would, without complaint or flinch.

As it starts to work, her deathgrip on Castiel weakens and she starts to relax as the pain's down to a far more tolerable level .] Ho-How much.. of the - [Pause] array's left?

[Please let it only be a small part. Please. Though she's got that sinking feeling.]


gained_a_level March 21 2011, 10:17:34 UTC
[Castiel waits until the drug begins to take its effect, but he can tell from the reaction that it's not strong enough. Riza seems like a capable soldier -- she can muscle through the rest, if she can survive this.]

What is she talking about?



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