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OPEN 19TH and Onward, Late afternoonish. thehawks_eye March 20 2011, 03:09:32 UTC
Hurensohn! [Sometime around late afternoon on the 19th, Riza's cussing - in Amestrian can be heard as she literally is escorted in by Castiel, who's arm she has a literal death grip on.

She managed to kill another of the worms, but was caught in the death throws. Or, the upper part of her back and a bit of her right arm was. the back of her shirt's in tatters and what's visible looks a mess. The angry red of the tattoo on her back can also be seen, along with older burns in some parts.] Please tell me if I'm going to break your arm.

[She'd already said that how many times now?]

{{OOC: All swearing's in German, if you wanna look it up. 8D}}


FFFF I did not get the notif for this. was_angelcondom March 23 2011, 08:35:47 UTC
[He runs a free hand through her hair for a moment, before going back to neutralising the burns.] Shh. You can see for yourself later.


SAME. thehawks_eye March 23 2011, 11:49:57 UTC
The markings. [She was scared and it was easy to tell. Now that the pain was bearable, the realization that her back was bared to them was starting to kick in.

And Riza, while she trusted both - was afraid of there reaction to this. To the Array.]


Re: SAME. gained_a_level March 23 2011, 15:57:15 UTC
[Castiel kept his attention on Adam for the most part, waiting for his cue to release Riza, or keep her firmly in place. He hadn't time to notice anything else but the burns and markings.

When Riza speaks, he tilts his head to one side.]

Why do you call it that? [He doesn't understand the significance of the tattoo.]


was_angelcondom March 24 2011, 05:30:28 UTC
Castiel, not the best time to be asking those questions, right now. [He wanted it to sound stern, but it comes out more distracted, since he's busy with her burns. Most of it has been neutralised, but he dreads telling her that her tattoo is half gone, since she seems so attached to it.]

Hey Riza, can you sit up a little? I'm going to need to bandage the wounds now.


thehawks_eye March 24 2011, 07:44:37 UTC
It's - alright. Keeps my mind off other things. [She hates it though, but it's true. Maybe the only good thing that ever come from it - a distraction - unwelcome of course - from the pain.]

It is one - alchemical. [She sits up as much as she can, eyes firmly on the ground now. Mostly to hide the shame that's flickering her eyes. Shame at the tattoo.] No-one can know.

[That might be a hint of fear. Maybe.]


gained_a_level March 24 2011, 10:26:26 UTC
[But she's talking to--

Castiel casts a guilty look at Adam and nods, lips tightening to seal them from any further questions while allowing Riza to sit up and releasing her. He doesn't know why its a secret, but he'll keep his lip zipped. Or try to.]

I won't tell anyone.


was_angelcondom March 24 2011, 10:36:39 UTC
[The array is the last thing on Adam's mind right now. Riza's injuries come first. But if it eases her mind, then yes Adam will do anything to help that.] I'm not going to go blabbering either. Array? What array?

[He keeps his hand on her shoulder, helping her steady herself, as she sits up.] Tell me if it's too tight. I don't want to cut off your circulation by mistake.


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