Bring me ALL the Avengers!

Feb 14, 2012 11:49

Awwww, my profile is decorated with sparkle hearts! Thank you to
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valentine's day, recs, avengers!

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Comments 6

musesfool February 14 2012, 18:03:10 UTC
But I automatically despise all the professional athletes she despises, just on principle, even though I don't follow sports, so that counts for something, right?

It counts for EVERYTHING, my friend.

*twirls you*



devildoll February 15 2012, 16:25:47 UTC
I do what I can! *wxwx*


tinhutlady February 14 2012, 19:01:02 UTC
Ooooo, Avengers fics. Preeeeettty.

Actually, I am probably not going to read them because I am in fear of hearing Wolverine holler out in my head to write a fic with them and him in it and then I WOULD be stuck writing another series of fandom monster fics. LOL but then that wouldn't be THAT bad, I guess. :-P


devildoll February 15 2012, 16:26:55 UTC
Hee! I gave Wolverine a cameo in my Steve/Tony story. And of course I paired him up with Rogue. (Old habits and all...)


foxxcub February 14 2012, 19:15:59 UTC
OMG, robot!Hawkeye, thank you for bringing this into my life. ;___;


devildoll February 14 2012, 19:30:09 UTC
You are welcome! (Now we can hold each other and cry.)


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