Bring me ALL the Avengers!

Feb 14, 2012 11:49

Awwww, my profile is decorated with sparkle hearts! Thank you to
tinhutlady, and also Steve Rogers. Yes, Captain, I will be your Valentine. <3 <3

ETA And then I got one from Tony Stark, too. And the message even had a little postscript from Jarvis! \o/

Hey, speaking of Steve Rogers (and aren't I always?), man, the Avengers fandom is an embarrassment of riches, and I can't even pretend to keep up with the stories. Honestly, I spend so much time just bookmarking and downloading stories to read that I don't actually have time to read them, which is a pretty awesome problem to have. (There is also a ton of beautiful/hilarious/sad/breathtaking fanart, which I've managed to keep pretty current on, since looking at a piece of art obviously doesn't require the same time investment. Except when I keep going back to gaze in wonder, which I have done many times, to tell you the truth.)

Not only are there so! many! stories! showing up every day, I'm also completely omnishipping the entire movieverse line-up in any and all permutations, plus multiple ships from the solo movies (Tony/Pepper! Steve/Peggy! Tony/Steve/Bucky! Clint/Darcy! Steve/Darcy! Tony/Rhodey! Clint/Coulson! Clint/Coulson/Natasha! I will READ IT ALL.) On top of that, I'm now reading stories in basically any fandom built around a movie Chris Evans has made, PLUS
musesfool posts a story like every three days and in the meantime I have to devote several hours a day to sending her Very Important Texts about Steve Rogers and I just…*hands*. (I can't even keep up with my best friend's stories, WTF is that? But I automatically despise all the professional athletes she despises, just on principle, even though I don't follow sports, so that counts for something, right?) Oh, and then trying to write my own stuff. That, too.

Anyway, I've been trying to read one story a day, usually a short one while I'm at work, waiting on hold with an insurance company or something. (My goal is to read all the Yuletide stuff I marked for later before the next Yuletide. Look at me! I'm on fire!)

Here's some stuff I read recently and liked!

before I was bent-backed I was dazzling (2757 words) by
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Captain America (2011)
Rating: Not Rated
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter
Summary: Steve and Peggy and life and loss. Steve goes to visit Peggy in England in 2012.

Oh my God, this story just broke my heart wide open. It's so real and sad and amazing, and I just wanted to hug everyone, and only partly because I felt like *I* needed a hug after I read it. Sobbingsobbingsobbing.

Asenion (1570 words) by
Sidney Sussex
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Avengers (2012)
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Phil Coulson, Clint Barton
Summary: 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Hawkeye is a robot. This is short (TOO SHORT, I pointed out in my comment, with all the sense of entitlement we fans can so easily muster) but manages to pack so much in and is so, so lovely. I just ached when I read this ("Isn't that what liking is?"), and I so badly want Hawkeye to be a real boy someday.

The dashboard melted (but we still had the radio) (6143 words) by
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Losers - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez/Jake Jensen
Characters: Jake Jensen, Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez, Linwood "Pooch" Porteous, William Roque, Franklin Clay
Summary: In 2009, Jensen got a new team, fell stupid in love, and learned about sharks, the great organizing principle of the universe and crushing chest injuries. Not necessarily in that order.

This story is fucking awesome. Not just because it's about The Losers, who are automatically awesome, and not just because it fleshes out so many characters and relationships, and not just because it's by turns touching and hilarious, and not just because it has boys being dumb about each other, but also because it has Roque fighting a motherfucking shark. \o/

64 Colors (2049 words) by
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Avengers (2012), Thor (2011)
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark, Phil Coulson
Summary: Darcy's life is weird, but she kind of likes it.

Darcy and the Avengers, hanging out together and filling in their coloring books. If the Avengers movie turns out to be nothing but two hours of this, I'd be perfectly happy. <3

Count von Count would like you to know that over at Dreamwidth this post has
comments! Ah ha ha ha ha!

valentine's day, recs, avengers!

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