We can't undo those shitty Hulk movies, but we can damn sure avenge them.

Dec 01, 2011 11:35

Kittens, I am starting to wonder if I'm going to make it to the Avengers premiere without blowing a blood vessel from excitement ( Read more... )

and so it begins, avengers!

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Comments 18

sheafrotherdon December 1 2011, 17:53:42 UTC


devildoll December 1 2011, 18:21:41 UTC
YES THIS IS THE PROBLEM. My excitement level will surely continue to rise, and it seems scientifically impossible that I will not explode.

I'm even considering taking May 4th off, so I can either go to see a midnight showing on Thursday (which I NEVER DO because I'm an old lady who goes to bed at 8pm) or the first showing during the day Friday.

Saturday is Free Comic Book Day, so I'll be working at the comic shop, which means there will be spoilers EVERYWHERE.


sheafrotherdon December 1 2011, 18:24:40 UTC
I THINK YOU TAKE THE DAY OFF. Because that way you can see it MORE THAN ONCE. And that seems appropriate.

sadfjhlkasjdhflasdf. I am going to seek out the largest screen I can find and sit there with all the popcorn, womanfully trying not to say "STEEEEEEEEEVE" every time Cap is on the screen. It will be hard. I feel like the next six months are training or something.


devildoll December 1 2011, 18:50:14 UTC
Heeheehee I was just sitting here thinking, "Wait, if I take the day off and I can go to the midnight show and then see it again Friday!" and then you replied and completely enabled me and of course now I realize that is the MOST OBVIOUS PLAN ever and I have no idea why I was even debating it?

OH MY GOD STEVE'S FAAAAAACE. True story: I've been watching the Iron Mans and Thor on pretty much constant repeat, but it took me I AM NOT KIDDING HERE weeks to work up the nerve to watch Captain America again, because I was like, "My heart cannot take this!"

I finally decided to woman up and spent a Saturday watching it, and I do mean that literally because it took me FIVE HOURS. When I got too emo I would pause it and go clean the bathroom sink or whatever else was on my to do list, and then I'd come back for more. But still: so many tears.

Steve. *sniffle*


esc_key December 1 2011, 18:33:08 UTC
I am starting to wonder if I'm going to make it to the Avengers premiere without blowing a blood vessel from excitement.I also have this worry ( ... )


devildoll December 1 2011, 20:04:09 UTC
And part of me thinks that me being excited for it means it's going to suck for sure. Like I'm jinxing it. GOD!

I have the same fear! Maybe we will cancel each other out, and it will not be jinxed?

Does that mean Cap doesn't wake up until 2 years after those films? Guh!

You must put on your comics fan armor and ignore the inconsistencies!

Other sad thing: I bought the Captain America Blu Ray even though I don't have a Blu Ray player. *headdesk*

WOW. You got it bad. :)


esc_key December 1 2011, 20:09:47 UTC
WOW. You got it bad. :)
It does come with a digital copy! It's not just for looking at... mostly.


tinhutlady December 1 2011, 18:49:36 UTC
I am afraid to watch it. Really. I am a Thor fangirl almost as much as a Wolverine fangirl, and I....enjoyed Thor for the most part, and Cap'n, but I am afraid of what they will do with the ensemble.
(That and I don't want the Avengers to spark another series of fanfic novels. LOL)


devildoll December 1 2011, 20:05:48 UTC
That and I don't want the Avengers to spark another series of fanfic novels.

I, OTOH, am blatantly hoping that is the case! :0


tinhutlady December 1 2011, 20:20:43 UTC
Hee! I meant I don't want to write them. I will gladly read them, though!!


devildoll December 1 2011, 20:36:52 UTC
I know that's what you meant. /shameless


chicklet_girl December 3 2011, 04:18:27 UTC

(Confidential to girlinthetrilby and carleton97: Road trip to DD on May 3?)


devildoll January 2 2012, 01:49:40 UTC
Free Comic Book Day is a complication but maybe we can work something ooooout!


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