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Comments 14

kittenunchained February 15 2011, 19:04:09 UTC

You are making me even more horny than I was to begin with today. Goodness.


devifemme February 15 2011, 21:39:44 UTC
My role in life!

Hugz, J


sunianna February 15 2011, 23:37:11 UTC
A commendable role. :)

Wow, awesome poem. I love how she uses words like 'wetflowers' and metaphors. Everything gets better with age, including poetry.


devifemme February 16 2011, 06:33:28 UTC
Oh, thank you, Anna! You're a new friend, so I want to welcome you to the blog. Lots of commenting going on today, involving 4-5 of my posts and a dozen or more of our delicious readers. Valentine's Day left some of us unhappy with erstwhile sexual partners; I gave thought to the few but important men who suPport the blog; this sapphic poem opens intriguing questions (and I too adore the "wetflowers" image!).

So it's a good moment for you to atrive -- though perhaps a bit overwhelming...



sugar_glitter February 19 2011, 08:10:33 UTC
What a delicious poem! Now I am very glad I found your journal tonight. I should love to read some more of her poetry. Added you to my friends list.


scent devifemme February 19 2011, 16:02:25 UTC
Hey, welcome to the blog. I just checked out you LJ, which I see is dedicated to your Second-Life avatar, an abundantly endowed babe. (I've noticed girls on SL give "themselves" huge breasts...)

Ah, the "scent of not-so-innocent" of your avatar!



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