i kid you NOT -- cartoon characters named "Panty" and "Garterbelt" !!

Dec 13, 2010 01:45

There are two young women on LJ, one calls herself Momogirl http://momogirl12345.livejournal.com/ -- and her pal is named Pimmy. I somehow friended with Momo a while back; they seem to have a whole Japanese anime thing going -- but it's a parody, BUT a very straight-faced parody ( Read more... )

creepy, sex, wtf

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Comments 12

elvenforever December 13 2010, 13:25:13 UTC
Those girls are having too much fun. :)


Girls just wanna... devifemme December 13 2010, 17:39:07 UTC
Well, my blog IS called "Girls Together Outrageously." And one girl's sticky-sweet is another girl's dee-lish!

Kisses, Justine


Re: Girls just wanna... elvenforever December 13 2010, 19:45:28 UTC
*grins* *blows you a kiss*


trishkitten December 13 2010, 16:31:15 UTC
Can you provide a link to the My Little Pony essay? I'd love to read it. :)


Links to kinks devifemme December 13 2010, 17:36:51 UTC
Done, sweetie, both girls are up in the text -- do head over there, but please come back her and report on Momo/Pimmy's assorted kinks.


Re: Links to kinks trishkitten December 13 2010, 21:21:45 UTC
Didn't see that much kink, but did we do share a lot of guilty pleasures. :) (Of course these days, every pleasure is guilty, since it isn't my graduate work...)


Re: Links to kinks devifemme December 14 2010, 13:54:55 UTC
Ah, well -- guilt is ISELF a guilty pleasure! I remember grad school -- guiltily, let it be said. (Much sexual discovery back then.)

BTW just learned (see below) Momo and Pimmy are twins! How's that for fantasy fuel? "Panty and Stocking" are to be found on YouTube. (That WAS evil of me, knowing your grad-school commitment...)

*cackling villainously*



lesbian ponies! devifemme December 13 2010, 17:50:56 UTC
I just commented over on Pimmy's blog, inspired by Zarla, another fangirl there, who herself commented -- "So THIS is where all those lesbian pony icons are coming from!"

So I'm NOT the only lesbian intrigued by this phenom!!

Gosh, is that nice to confirm...

Hugz, Justine


momogirl12345 December 13 2010, 21:13:45 UTC
hehe, well I'm glad our little essay sparked some interest XD (I swear I will post about d/s stuff on my LJ eventually)
I myself am highly interested in animation, and wish to be a cartoonist one day, it's a guilty pleasure of mine to pick apart and analyze cartoons for all ages!

Pant and Stocking is very interesting. It's like an anime parodying both anime AND american cartoons, with incredibly adult themes and situations. Its almost jarring watching a show styled like the powerpuff girls contain that kind of blatant sexual humor, but amusing to watch at the same time.


devifemme December 14 2010, 02:41:43 UTC
Wow, Momo, I remain entranced by the incredible scene you two inhabit. It seems very seductive -- soft images and delicious innuendos add up to something beguiling.

You and Pimmy (you ever drink a "Pimm's Cup" together -- a Brit concoction, but available in US bars?) both watch Panty/Stocking (that's a HOT image!); is it on Cartoon Network or one of the smaller cable things?

I'll bet your cartoons will be amazing -- or perhaps already ARE! Do you have anything up on your LJ? (I presume all those beautifully presented MLP images reveal your considerable ability to digitally manage such animation. I wonder if anyone from Pixar is reading you?!)

Needless to say, your mention of ds caught my attention, not least because you said it soooo very casually. As you perhaps know from my LJ, I'm pretty intrigued by submission myself -- though still a bit of a scaredy-cat about some stuff. (Did you catch my post two weeks back, "My First Domme"?)

Gosh, thanks for the sweet reply! I'll keep tracking you with obvious lust!



momogirl12345 December 14 2010, 02:59:00 UTC
haha! well thank you! Yes I do have some things up on my LJ, mostly just pictures though, I have a few animations uploaded to various art gallery sites like Deviantart (I'm http://momogirl.deviantart.com ) :> I draw mostly cutsey stuff with the occasional sexy thing. (usually its pretty weird though) also anything in this tag http://momogirl12345.livejournal.com/tag/arts is what I draw.

(hehe, and no im not much of a drinker myself. Also, Pimmy is my twin sister! lol)

Oh and yeah, I think we added each other when I posted in one of the submissive communities here on LJ! it was a bit ago, and it's not something I talk about on my LJ too often I guess. But I'm definitely a sub, and have interest in the community and such, though have no real experience XD I did see that entry of yours, too! its always interesting to read your posts


momogirl12345 December 14 2010, 03:01:32 UTC
oh and almost forgot, Panty & Stocking is unfortunately not on american or englisg-speaking TV yet, but it can be found on youtube with subtitles and such


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