
Jul 31, 2010 09:14

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flogger, derriere, pink

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Comments 11

eqfe July 31 2010, 13:27:57 UTC
Looks like its either a horsehair flogger or a synthetic fiber imitation. Horse hair can be senuously used as a wonderful tease, but it also can be quite intense if used with vigor. The latter has the advantage of not easily breaking, embedding in the skin, and\or creating an allergic reaction, which are all posiblities in using a horsehair flog.


moi -- and spanking devifemme July 31 2010, 13:49:25 UTC
Sweetie, I might have guessed you'd respond quickly to my questions. And, wet as I am (gotta do something about that!), I appreciate your explaining it. As I've said here (though not recently), I used to be spanked often by my SO, whom I've lived with and loved for over a decade. She then "got religion," in a way -- deciding that kinkiness was just too much for her. It's the old "lesbian bed death," which I'd scoffed at -- just what happens to uptight folks who lose touch with their feelings ( ... )


Re: moi -- and spanking eqfe July 31 2010, 23:12:44 UTC
Lol, after 30 years with the same woman, I know all about "getting religion," and the decreasing menu of acceptable activities. There are more than one kind of ties that bind, for sure. hugs back.


Re: moi -- and spanking devifemme August 1 2010, 22:02:16 UTC
Oh, wow! You and I are kindred spirits..."decreasing menu of acceptable activities" says it so well. What is it about intolerance -- and why do you and I put up with it?

Actually, my earlier comment answers the SECOND question, at least. "Love" is an utter mystery to me -- though I evidently recognize it when I see it.

More hugs, sweetie!


hardblue July 31 2010, 14:07:36 UTC
Have you considered creating a filter for stronger material, asking people if they want to be on it, and you can satisfy a broader audience?


anax_anarkhos August 1 2010, 20:22:29 UTC
This has wisdom, and if you do so please add me to it.


devifemme August 1 2010, 22:08:36 UTC
Actually, I like the simplicity of having only one level of communicating.

I know lots of LJers (and those on other "social networking" sites) do put their faith in "friends only" posting -- and I really respect that. But I enjoy MY blog being open.

I guess I should just not fret about how readers take my choices. (See the discussion on the other Natasha post yesterday.)

Thanks for the idea, though.

Hugz, J


cobra9474 August 1 2010, 06:49:55 UTC
I can only imagine it's using Tesla coils for less than "Wholesome" activities. which come to think of it sounds painful.


leathersub August 1 2010, 09:39:22 UTC


devifemme August 1 2010, 22:10:39 UTC
Thanks, sweetie!

BTW I see you Aussies stick together as to what time of day you comment on your American pals' posting. (heehee!)


spanked fairwells August 9 2010, 01:36:18 UTC
Her cheeks are all rosy. hehe


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