Kathy Griffin on separating immigrants from their children... And Trumpsky fails again!

Jun 18, 2018 16:18

Kathy Griffin on Sunday "lashed out in a profanity-packed tweet after Melania Trump said in a statement on immigration reform she hates seeing children separated from their parents at the border, but didn’t criticize her husband’s administration for doing just that ( Read more... )

celebrity, crisis management, morality, cheesy, insanity, kittybeenbad, comics, funny, afraid no more, hoist on petard, fucking sad

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Comments 1

devifemme June 21 2018, 04:25:57 UTC
Okay, two days later -- and the horrid drama imposed upon us by that all-around asshole D. Trumpsky, has only grown more horrid in the past 48 hours.

Out of the Clear Blue, this afternoon, the raving Maniac-in-Chief signed another of his illiterate and ignorant "executive orders" -- contradicting himself and seeking somehow to stop the separation of immigrant children. But, notice (!), continuing to jail their parents for a fucking MISDEMEANOR, and triggering a nightmare involving a 20-year-old settled legal issue, the so-called Flores case.

(We all going to wind up immigration lawyers in short order. In this instant, however, getting all these poor children legally represented -- which is what Flores does -- could fuck Trumpsky, his wretched henchman Steven Miller, and the hapless AG, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions! Which would be good...though simply booting all of them out of Washington would be WAY better.)

Wish us all -- including more than 2,000 innocent children -- a LOT of luck!!


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