Kathy Griffin on separating immigrants from their children... And Trumpsky fails again!

Jun 18, 2018 16:18

Kathy Griffin on Sunday "lashed out in a profanity-packed tweet after Melania Trump said in a statement on immigration reform she hates seeing children separated from their parents at the border, but didn’t criticize her husband’s administration for doing just that.

“ 'Fuck you, Melanie,' Griffin wrote, repeating the president’s misspelling of the first lady’s first name. 'You know damn well your husband can end this immediately ... you feckless complicit piece of shit.' ”

Harsh words -- but making a valid point. She even repeated a word for Melania, "feckless," that Samantha Bee had used at the White House Correspondents dinner -- reaping wide criticism for a few other choice words she offered.

There's a shitstorm of hostility being directed at Kathy today, partly because she'd attacked Trumpsky a year ago in equally dubious taste. (When she appeared in a photo with a dummy severed head, representing the Asshole-in-Chief. To be sure, the real dummy's head remained atop Trumpsky, where it's done very little good for humanity...)

As with Robert di Niro's uttering "Fuck Trump!" at the Tony Awards recently, vile language frankly isn't helping rid us of the corrupt traitor installed by the Russians. And some folks ARE wondering if we ALL might take it down a notch, in the minimal hope of more civility on all sides...

(Note major developments today, Wednesday -- see my comment below!)

celebrity, crisis management, morality, cheesy, insanity, kittybeenbad, comics, funny, afraid no more, hoist on petard, fucking sad

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