The poor abused children -- note this week's cover of Time magazine

Jun 22, 2018 15:39

TV commentator Joe Scarborough has a terrific op-ed piece in today's Post --

It's headlined "A man of cruelty and ignorance," and it blames the whole immigration debacle on one Donald J. Trump. (Or, as I like to think of him, "Trumpsky" -- for the treasonous relationship he insists on sustaining with Vladimir Putin!)

The best part of Joe's pitch is its conclusion:

The wretched Don is a "brutish political boss who has cheapened conservatism, sullied the office of the presidency and called into question the very character of a country once seen as the envy of the world. That so many Republicans still support this depraved man and his malignant movement could be the most damning element of this tragic American tale."

Impeachment beckons...
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