Fuck Trumpski!

Jun 13, 2018 00:12

I meant to post on Monday about Robert di Niro's heartfelt message to The Fucking Donald, uttered at the Tony Awards celebration last Sunday. Obviously, I second that motion...

Mr.di Niro spoke after Trumpsky blew off the G7 summit in Canada, doing serious damage to relations with our longstanding allies. But he likely also guessed that Trumpsky would fuck up dismally in Singapore yesterday -- though it looks like Trumpsky's spectacular fail was WAY WORSE than many of us believed it would be.

Tonight's reporting from Pyongyang indicates the North Koreans seem to think Kim Jong Un got all sorts of promises from Trumpsky -- including stopping US-South Korea joint military exercises, a peace treaty, and a state visit to Washington. All in exchange for precisely NOTHING from Kim!

Asshole Trumpsky thought it should be a one-on-one meeting, with no one else there from our side -- so why WOULDN'T Kim lie about what was offered? For that matter, I wouldn't be surprised if Trumpsky HAD offered to stop the military exercises (though not telling our Seoul allies was a boo-boo, huh?). I certainly don't expect him to tell the truth, EVER...

This is, incidentally, treason. The only explanation about such a failure is that his buddies in Moscow told him to do it.

crisis management, dommes, current events, international politics

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