The Girl of the Day

Apr 27, 2014 16:02

Sorry, all of you sweet friends of devifemme, I've been among the missing the past couple of days. No excuses, but I've got deeply engaged in a professional project -- and it has CONSUMED nearly all of my energies. It's in a new field, with a new client. Enough said ( Read more... )

hair blowing, smile, deliciousness, sizzling

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Comments 13

atanone April 28 2014, 08:09:39 UTC
Hope you'll have some rest and enjoy the non-professional projects as well :)


devifemme April 29 2014, 02:53:55 UTC
Indeed, I think she IS more the non-professional sort!

Hi, Rena -- you haven't been around here lately; you've got other "projects" too?

Hugz, J


atanone April 29 2014, 15:38:27 UTC
I am around :) But mostly just don't have to say something to the reblogged :)


devifemme April 30 2014, 02:43:34 UTC
Yeah, I confess I have been a bit off the deep end. I shall behave myself better... a bit better, anyway. Same cute girls...more clothing, perhaps.


ggary April 28 2014, 19:15:45 UTC
No need to apologise for being engaged in the real rather than the virtual world. There are only so many hours in the day! Hope that the project went well. Can see why the 'delicious specimen' jumped out at you. Yes indeedy. As an aside, I've been watching some 80s telly recently, and the style of the photo seems very 80s to me (especially the Big Hair).


devifemme April 29 2014, 02:57:22 UTC
Alas, the "project" looks as if it'll take much of the summer -- at least if I can nail things down and get started on it. ("Client relations" -- bah!)

Yep, I do kind of like the vaguely 80s hair...


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