More about Scott's lezzies -- and Tumblr

Jan 22, 2014 08:30

Ooooh, late last night, I was on Tumblr -- and it was as if I was perfectly wired into an alternate sexual universe. Like old confusing ideas had been swept away and current frustrations (read Joanne) were somehow irrelevant ( Read more... )

sexy!, dommes, naughty smile, subbies

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Comments 11

leahyu January 22 2014, 20:08:38 UTC
I heart that picture...


devifemme January 23 2014, 05:59:49 UTC
Yeah, ball-gag and all...


leahyu January 22 2014, 20:22:12 UTC
It's something I would love to be able to say during playtime, but would probably never, ever think of!


devifemme January 23 2014, 05:58:20 UTC
So, okay, I could provide a written script. Is that helpful, sweetie?


ggary January 22 2014, 23:32:27 UTC
To be honest, in the Monday Scott Church photo I never saw them as being any other than lesbians. The girl on the left seemed in an ecstasy of anticipation, whilst the girl on the right looked as though she were whispering something in her ear, raising her expectations ever higher. So much of erotica is anticipation. You know, looking at the domme/subbie thing, I have to say that until now I never really understood it emotionally. But today I was thinking about my obsession with rollercoasters in my teenage years. I used to go on the things whenever I saw them. For me, my favourite bit was always the long climb to the first drop. There was the bit where it crested the top of the first, huge hump and prepared to drop. Although you knew that you were safe, you always felt that you wanted to get off. But the point was, you couldn't. It was all out of your control. There was nothing that you could do. The ride was in control. I hope that you don't mind me asking, but is this the part of the attraction of domination. It is basically role- ( ... )


devifemme January 23 2014, 05:56:56 UTC
Sure, Gary, I can say the frisson of anticipation is very real to me -- but I loved enacting the whole subbie scene, start to finish, albeit a fairly tame one. (The spankings didn't feel tame, not at all -- especially since Joanne was utterly INTO it, really letting me have it.) I wanted it so keenly; it thrilled me as each spank landed -- and I was usually allowed to cum at the end, squirming and sobbing and...whew! Then we'd set out finding variations on the theme the very next night...or whenever! Fantasies were spun, then happily went on for years ( ... )


ggary January 23 2014, 19:57:42 UTC
Yes, indeed. I do wonder, though, if there is anything such thing as a "typical" experience. It sounds so much a question of the people involved, and their relationship, with their concomitant private fantasies. Such a personal thing.
Thanks again.


devifemme January 23 2014, 21:24:50 UTC
Have you ever been the spanker or the one spanked? No need for details -- just wondering about you familiarity with it...

Hugz, J


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