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Comments 4

karenpiper October 19 2013, 22:08:38 UTC

Haha, Justine. It's a good thing I love you along with your foibles...

The "inset girlie" is, of course, Kylie. "Shocked" is the name of a song of hers from the early 1990s. I've inserted the video here. Kylie wears this outfit on and off, but you'll see it at 1min 04ish. There's a weird car at the beginning too - a Tatra of some sort.

I made lookalike bra & gloves for my little Kylie party in SL, so they're not Piper Moda as such, just a little fun. I don't know how to make hats or sunglasses. It's now on SL Marketplace so anyone can play at being Kylie.

My face hasn't changed either. I'm still using the same skin, shape and makeup, but maybe I just snapped the 'shutter' on an odd expression. I was using the nearest pose I could find to Kylie's.

x K


devifemme October 20 2013, 04:51:32 UTC
Oops, sorry about NOT recognizing Kylie! But that hat and the tweed bra combined to throw me off. And, in this vid, I think she was cuter in the scenes wearing the sexy pink bra and the odd-but-matching little tutu. Oh, also there were a couple of shots after she leaves the Tatra and before 1min04, where the guy she was kissing looked a lot like another girl...a LOT!

The bra and gloves on you look fine; I was just teasing. As for the face, it presumably IS a changed expression rather than a deliberate tweek -- but it looks soooo good! That is -- YOU look hotter! (If that's possible!!)

Oh, and I did want to mention how impressed I was with the mirror behind Kylie -- it wasn't quite that way in her vid, so I suspect you intervened somehow to enhance it, right?

x J


karenpiper October 20 2013, 08:31:43 UTC

... )


devifemme October 20 2013, 14:06:33 UTC
I loved that shot in the blue shorts, too -- I suppose it's so brief because it shows the lower part of her lovely derriere quite revealingly...

And, yes, the pink outfit -- the actual vid had her unbelievably erotic dancing. What a body!

Still not lovin' the cap and bra...



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