Since everyone is doing it. My list isn't even one eighth as astounding as other people's. I've just started, anyway. But here it is; chronologically, with the oldest at the top.
Of Evil & MarioSupernatural/Angel crossover. Post-Devil's Trap. Post-Not Fade Away. Sam is captured in the middle of Los Angeles and when Dean runs off to search for him, he bumps into Angel and Spike. Demon hunters and vampires. That ought to be fun, right? Special appearance by Faith. PG for language. Implicit Sam/Dean, mentioned Dean/Lindsey.
“City of Angels, my ass,” he grumbled under his breath, still vaguely aware of the tiny sounds that seemed to surround him.
Sam might have an IQ of 170 but he was awfully slow when it comes to figuring out a desire. As Dean would know.
“What do you think I want, Sam? Come on, you’re smart. Underneath all that shaggy mop of hair, you have some brains, don’t you? Take a guess.”
TimbreSam really likes Dean's voice; it was, is (he fails to decide) his security blanket. G. Gen.
The oldest possible memory Sam had in his mind is of a six-year-old Dean singing him a lullaby at bedtime.
ResonantTimbre's continuation. The ways Sam is addicted to Dean's voice and how he gets Dean to entertain his addiction. G. Gen.
Secretly, Sam likes to listen through the bathroom door when Dean is in the shower. Because Dean would always sing. Dean caught him one time when he was too engrossed in Dean’s rendition of Touch Me.
UnsaidDean could sense his looming death and decides they should have a homebase. How both knows they love each other but could never say it out loud. Until. PG for language. Gen; wincest if you really squint.
There were a couple of dozens of deep gashes on Dean’s broad back, most already gushing dark red blood, from the two werewolves he fought and some barely oozing, from the one he saved Sam from. Sam had never seen Dean bled so much, it wasn’t a wonder he burst out crying on spot, his scream of Dean’s name echoing through the forest.
A/N: Frankly, across this 'verse, I like that I could swerve with the timeline. But only after
moveablehistory's comment that I feel good about how I keep Dean in; even when he's gone. And Hope is a wonderful character to write about.
HopeContinuation of Unsaid. Sam is dealing with Dean's death. And what his brother left behind. A whole new future in his hands. PG for language. Gen; wincest if you really squint.
It was the dusk six months after Dean’s death. Sam was staring down at his brother’s grave, reminiscing. Just…reminiscing. He had stopped talking to Dean out loud because he had seen no point in it. He could whisper the softest tone from the deepest corner of his core and Dean would still hear him. Sam knew that.
StartContinuation of Hope. Sam is trying his best to live the life Dean wanted him to. It proves to be a little too hard when he could never seem to let his brother leave his thoughts. PG for language. Gen; wincest if you really squint.
There was one time that he thought it was final - he was never ever going on a hunt ever again. He was faced with an enraged spirit in an abandoned factory building. He was used to working alone by then, watching out for his own back, not depending on Dean to do it for him. At first, not a year after Dean’s death, he had heard Dean’s voice in his head every time he’s hunting - warning, reminding him that watch out, Sammy. The bastard’s probably crouching on the beam above your head or you’d want to aim a little lower to strike the heart or when in doubt, always use silver and a little fire, to be safe.
Dean Winchester's User Guide to a Psychic BrotherCrack. Wherein Dean uses Sam's power to track down his missing Impala after being whammied by a gypsy for sleeping with her granddaughter. Dean in camouflage. PG-13 for language and sexual situations. Gen.
“Well,” Sam planted his hands on his hips, gnawing at his lower lip. “It’s going to be kind of hard. The gypsy lady knows how you look like. There’s no way we could get back the car easily. The used car place belongs to the gypsy girl’s brother. He’d probably castrate you before you could,” Sam deepened his voice mockingly, “excavate his heart and feed it to some possessed, rabid wild dogs.”
Untitled Wincest drabbleSchmoop of the Laundromat kind. PG. Sam/Dean.
Dean stomped across the floor and Sam almost laughed at the sight of him in his too-white socks, trampling like a mini giant. Dean snatched the baby blue container and stared until his eyes were crossed. Sam bit back a laugh.
“What is this? Floral? Are you insane?”
Untitled JSquared drabbleShort piece with Jensen and Mike bantering in Jared's living room. PG for language. Implied Jared/Jensen.
“At least I’ve never danced in a floral kimono before!”
Coda: Unsaid; Hope; StartFirst coda to the Hope 'verse. Sam wants to remember Dean forever. G. Gen; wincest if you really squint.
When Sam was two and Dean hugged him, he smelt like Sam’s baby powder. When Sam was four and Dean allowed them to cuddle in the back of the Impala, he had smelt like apple juice and pie. When Sam was twelve, on his first hunt and Dean propped him up in the middle of the forest after his first kill, he smelt like salt and ash. When Sam was fourteen and they were fighting a lot, tussling and constantly at each other’s throats, he smelt like engine oil. When Sam was leaving and Dean hugged him harshly before driving away in the Impala, he smelt like sweat and tears and alcohol, a hint of coppery blood.
Coda: Dean Winchester's User Guide to a Psychic BrotherDean is never the one to learn his mistakes. Never. PG-13 for language and sexual content. Gen.
Dean grinned. “Are you watching porn again?”
“No,” Sam said assertively. “Did you not come back last night?”
“No, mommy. I was in my bedroom all night, studying. See, my brother, Sammy? He’s very smart. And one day I want to become just like him.”
The Fact Is;Mild angsty piece of how Sam fell for Dean first, his realization and how he deals with it. Pre-series up until Stanford and a little AU of post-Stanford. Mentioned Dean/OMC. PG for language and sexual content. Implicit Sam/Dean.
The first time Sammy saw his brother cried was when he was sitting in the seat of the bus, peering out the dusty window. Dean thought Sammy couldn’t see him but he did. A drop of tear or two and then he wiped it off with his palm like it shouldn’t be there. And Sammy thought it was the combination of days of compressing his emotions about Ian that triggered the tears and Sammy’s departure driving them over the edge. It may seemed like Dean was crying for him but Sammy was too smart to hope that he was.
A/N: I'm really glad how this had turned out. My first attempt at second person and a more blatant Sam/Dean and it feels good.
The Art Of Lying (Around)Schmoopy pornless piece of boys lying around on Jensen's shaggy living room carpet. Jared and Jensen got bored and decided to psychoanalyze Sam and Dean's characters instead of sexing. PG for language. Jared/Jensen.
“When Duck’s in the shower or when he’s left alone in the motel room,” Jensen narrated, lips tilting in an impish smirk. “Puppy entertains himself…by singing Willa Ford’s I Wanna Be Bad and dances.”
Jared smiled, amused, dimples pressing deep. “Really?”
“Dude,” Jensen chortled, eyes set on the plaster ceiling. “I could totally picture you shimmy those hips of yours. Woot!” he whistled.
Coda II: Unsaid; Hope; StartSecond coda to the Hope 'verse. It's been years and Sam finally grasps Dean's pain, reliving his brother's torment. G. Gen; wincest if you really squint.
“And you died for that,” severity was blatant in Sam’s tone, a sliver of rage. “You died to keep me safe.”
Dean was silent, just smiled gently. And it came to Sam right then. He was reliving Dean’s life, living with the fact that he had to let his brother go and then having his flesh and blood sacrificed a soul to save him. He thought he felt the awe towards his brother, for having survived through this adding to the infinite inventory of reasons to love Dean.
“I lived for you too, Sammy.”
Ring (The Wedding Bells)Continuation of The Art Of Lying (Around). Following their engagement, Jensen and Jared is trying to have a perfect wedding ceremony. With little help from beloved friends. PG for language. Jared/Jensen.
“I was, like, What? Your gigantic tv brother, Jared Jared?, you know? ‘Cause, yeah. I thought Jenny was always into blonds and someone below six feet tall,” Tom hiccupped.
Everybody was paying close attention, to Jared’s dismay, despite Tom’s state of utter drunkenness. Then he realized that Tom’s hammered state was probably why everyone was paying attention. He knew the party could’ve used some decent entertainment. Wouldn’t hurt if Jensen used his relations with a bunch of singers to have them sing or something. Anything but Tom’s rambling about how-
“And then he told me about the first time they had sex,” Tom paused to let out a loud belch.
Please Remind MeDean makes a deal with the devil to bring back his father and is left not knowing the price for the rest of his life. PG for language. Implicit Sam/Dean.
Some days he felt immensely guilty for something he didn't remember doing, the remorse burning so deep he needed to cry but couldn't because he couldn't recall the last time he had done so and that usually meant he wasn't born to cry. Only you and I know it deep in us that Dean had only ever cried for Sam. With Sam.
A/N: To be honest, this is my most favorite work and therefore is highly recommended. I really adore how this turn out and is hoping to write more angst piece such as this one. :)
Daddy; DaddyWhen Sam insists of having kids, what could super-secret-kids-lover Dean do but agree? Non-mpreg. Teetering on crack. Wherein John is alive and is being cool about his sons being in love and happy together. PG for language. Sam/Dean.
“You know, that puppy dog look might’ve worked if you hadn’t use it last night to get me to stick it up your-”
“What?” Dean smirked tauntingly. “Okay, okay. Fine. It’s not fair. You know I’m the only person susceptible to that puppy side of yours even after twenty five years of exposure.”
A/N: I'll be working in this 'verse until the evil orange bunnies are satisfied with seeing Dean teaching preschoolers how to ride bikes and shoot slingshots.
Fair's Fair (Pigtails Are For Porn!)Jared is feeling clammy in Jensen's LA apartment and decides to get his hair out of the way with pink polka dot scrunchies. Jensen couldn't contain himself and sex in kitchen ensues. NC17 for sexual content. Jared/Jensen.
“Don’t you think it’s weird?” Jensen made a face.
“That you think I’m hot? No.”
Somehow Jensen found him utterly despising Jared’s tiny little dimpled smile even when he loved it with every fiber of his being. “Please, Jared. Please cut your hair.”
A/N: OMG. First porn. Losing my *cough* virginity to an RPS feels a little too weird. But I'm glad with the result. Enough. :)
Do RememberThe companion piece to Please Remind Me. Dean is facing the consequences of making the deal with the devil; not understanding his father's anguish and disappointment and wrestling with his own bank of memory. PG for language. Implicit Sam/Dean.
Much like love, faith creeps up on you when you least expected. You never believe in fate, always believe that a coincidence is just that. A coincidence. But somehow you find yourself wanting to believe that you are meant to meet him again. It just somehow feels right. Like the click of everything reverting back in its natural course.
A/N: Please Remind Me is something that I vowed to myself never to meddle with after it's finished. But as I was angsting really hard around this time, I just had to vent. There is something addictive about writing second person. I love how this one turn out, eventhough I wasn't thinking about this ending when I was writing its companion piece.
There's No Term For Fear Of Hot WaxSilly little drabble about how much Jared is terrified of hot wax, even when Jensen is suggesting hot sex. Purely dialogue. PG-13 for language and sexual situations. Jared/Jensen.
Five Times Dean Winchester Isn't a HunterA look at the life of Dean Winchester if he chose to live a life away from hunting. G. Gen.
A/N: My first and only five times fic. I'm delighted of how I could make it short and simple. :)