Smirnoff! my ass is cold
Megabass go boom! bright and bold
drunk off my ass
i think i can pass..
katy stover
i hope for no hangover
in the morning or at night
i want to fly my bright pink kite
mouse where are you
i think i gotta poo
hola people! its lauren updating for ryan cuz he's such a loser and he doesnt update.jkjk. well i would like to say that ryan is an awsome prson and u guys should b frends with him cuz he's just cool like that
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yeah, it is jessi lifeshucks updating for ryan once i promised him i would when he made a livejournal... he just spent a lovely evening with me and my cool room mate. adventures are fun.
yes your right it is my moms birthday but forget her, jessi has a birthday too. so like u have to say some sort of happy greeting to her because jessi is ownij.