TV time! Rectify, Tyrant, Last Ship, Musketeers, etc

Jun 25, 2014 17:58

Time for TV catch-up! Lots of opinions and spoilers here. So many summer shows, wow. First though - I read about the upcoming second season of a series called Rectify on Sundance, and then I backtracked to season one on Netflix, and two episodes in - wow.

Rectify )

halt and catch fire, falling skies, musketeers, tyrant, rectify, last ship

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Comments 23

sheron June 26 2014, 01:58:05 UTC
destina June 26 2014, 17:38:13 UTC
Weirdly, for me it's a bonus that Musketeers is not like book canon, because that wasn't a book I cared for. (Unlike Arthurian mythology, where I had to struggle a bit with Merlin being completely out of sync with most of the versions, until the later seasons.) I have heard mixed things from people who loved the book - some love the TV version, some feel as you do. It's interesting, the range of responses.


sheron June 26 2014, 18:48:37 UTC

tabby333 June 26 2014, 04:02:10 UTC
I read many negative reviews of The Last Ship, but I kind of enjoyed it. I cannot see it lasting past a season, though. I haven't figured you why I like Adam Baldwin. I have since he appeared on Stargate.

I did not like Falling Skies. Too dark. Hopeless. It just isn't the same show.

I love that you are sampling so many shows. I wish I had the energy for it.


destina June 26 2014, 17:39:39 UTC
Oh, you nailed it exactly re Falling Skies - dark and hopeless. I don't mind dark, but the thing I always loved about the core of family in this show is that as long as the Masons were mostly on the same page, they would be able to survive.

I only have the energy now, while vacation lingers. Soon enough it will be over and done, and the DVR will start filling up again!


riventhorn June 26 2014, 04:33:52 UTC
I binge watched all of Falling Skies a few months ago. I liked it, particularly Dan Weaver. The Masons tread the line of being a little bit too righteous/cloying for me, but a little bit of Pope usually fixes that. :D I think it will be one that I wait to watch until it is free on Amazon Prime, though.


destina June 26 2014, 17:40:44 UTC
Oh, man, Tom and Hal Mason are my favorite thing about that show. I love their father-son relationship. And Weaver has had a really terrific arc in this show - his character went from completely unlikable to someone you can't help but root for. :D


geekturnedvamp June 26 2014, 05:05:02 UTC
You're not alone with your feelings about the Falling Skies season premiere; I found it inconsistent and annoying. I think the problem is that they were trying to do something more ambitious--something that could potentially be interesting--but the writing just wasn't up to it. As a result, it came off disjointed at best and confusing at worst, and didn't leave me with a lot of confidence that it will improve, but whatever, I'll probably still watch because it's summer TV, you know? But I just want to be like, please don't try to be BSG, writers! Because that didn't even work for BSG.


destina June 26 2014, 17:42:30 UTC
Yes, exactly this - the show worked for me because it wasn't trying to be something it's not. I don't think anyone who was already engaged with it wanted it to be 'edgy' and 'dark' and whatnot. It was working fine as it was! I'm not sure where they could take it from here that would work for me. It's going to take them all season to extricate the Masons from their respective predicaments. But I will hang in there for the summer TV too.


viridian5 June 26 2014, 05:47:05 UTC
I'm a big ditto on everything you said about Musketeers, including being mystified by the number of people on my f'list enjoying it. I was so bored I bailed 30 minutes in.


destina June 26 2014, 17:43:39 UTC
It's somewhat surprising to me too, but I'm going to give it a few more episodes and see what happens. Sometimes no matter how much my friends and flist love things, I just can't get into them. Justified is another example, for me. It just doesn't work for me at all. Nor does Sherlock.


sheron June 26 2014, 18:50:31 UTC

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