Attack of the multi-fandom random

Apr 27, 2013 11:46

Does anyone else sometimes feel that posting to LJ is like talking to yourself in an empty room?

You know what makes me crazy? When I hear a song I recognize in a TV show or commercial, and I know that I first heard it in a vid, but I can't remember which vid. It's like that time I said to killabeez, "This is a great song, it sounds like something you ( Read more... )

supernatural, vidding, bond james bond, merlin, spartacus war of the damned, star trek reboot, game of thrones

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Comments 48

klia April 27 2013, 19:53:53 UTC
It would be v. unseemly of me to say how jealous I am about the VVC auction, so I won't. *g*


destina April 27 2013, 20:03:57 UTC
I am sorry!!! I don't even normally bid on these auctions unless they are for charity, and then I had a wild hair, and. I am totally making apologetic faces at you now. *g*


klia April 27 2013, 21:19:57 UTC
Aww, sorry, didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm just bummed because I couldn't bid, that's all.


magnolia822 April 27 2013, 19:54:52 UTC
I love all of these things!!! OMG that adorable GoT gifset. And Zach made me so proud when he called out that stupid reporter.



destina April 27 2013, 20:07:34 UTC
I don't understand why the producers would think we would not want to see that scene! BUt then again, they didn't really understand what the viewers were in it for at all, for most of the show's run. So I shouldn't be surprised. But oh my god, I want it so much. D:

<3!!!! How are things coming along with your PL and writing and things and stuff and whatnot??


magnolia822 April 27 2013, 20:19:59 UTC
I don't knowww why. *pouts* Ah well, at least they became canon at the end. And Bradley went to London to see Colin in his play. tralalalalalalaa.

I'm fine! I'm done with my draft for PL and it's in beta. My perverse bang was giving me a hard time but I think it's all sorted now, hopefully. Well, at least I know who is doing what to who and why ;) I hope your story starts clicking for you! I'm really looking forward to it.


kassrachel April 27 2013, 19:56:00 UTC
Yay, club vivid vid! I collaborated on a club vivid vid for the first time this year, and am ridiculously excited about it. <3


destina April 27 2013, 20:08:22 UTC
Oh YAY! Collaborations are the best. :D I'm excited to see it now! I already know about three CVV that I am so anxious to get my hands on. Like, now. <3!


zortified April 27 2013, 20:02:06 UTC
I crosspost to LJ and DW and I find that all the responses I get are on one platform or the other but rarely do I get responses in both places to the same post. And I can't figure out any trends! It isn't like I get responses to fannish stuff in one place, and whining about retail in another, or anything. It's completely random, as far as I can tell. But almost always, if I start getting comments in one journal, I know I won't be getting any in the other.

But the split is about 1/3 LJ and 2/3 DW. So, yeah, LJ is starting to feel emptier and emptier.


destina April 27 2013, 20:10:18 UTC
I can't figure out the trends either. It does seem a bit random in terms of response and place and so forth. But one thing I am definitely noticing is that there are some fandoms that exist almost exclusively on Tumblr, at least in terms of the volume of activity. It's odd, and it's sort of disquieting to me, because that's not my natural habitat. I enjoy it (obviously, see links) but I can't figure out how to do fandom there in more than a passive way.

And LJ becomes quieter and quieter, and I keep talking and reading. :/


sockkpuppett April 27 2013, 20:48:15 UTC
LJ. Is there an echo in here? I wish I could yodel.

Tumblr makes my head hurt, except for the pictures. I'm trying though! There's just no place to *talk* about fannish things. There's only room to bitch a little and squee with pictures. No deep thought space at all, which is why I was so happy to see the Supernatural link. Yes, yes, yes. That's exactly what I thought when he did it. He was speaking geeky words of love to Charlie. How loving and insightful and discerning of Dean. He totally gets Charlie and loves her.

Also, Khaleeeeeeeeeesi!


destina April 27 2013, 21:42:31 UTC
I so understand how you feel re no place to talk on Tumblr. Even if there is, I don't want to, most of the time. But I do wish the methods of interaction weren't so limited. I want comments there that don't amount to a like or a reblog with tags. It makes everything so dispersed and ephemeral. (Heh, trying to find something on Tumblr is like a needle in a galaxy. *g*)



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