Attack of the multi-fandom random

Apr 27, 2013 11:46

Does anyone else sometimes feel that posting to LJ is like talking to yourself in an empty room?

You know what makes me crazy? When I hear a song I recognize in a TV show or commercial, and I know that I first heard it in a vid, but I can't remember which vid. It's like that time I said to killabeez, "This is a great song, it sounds like something you would vid," and she gave me the side-eye and said, "Um, I did." Heh.

Speaking of vids, every so often barkley and I make a vid that I love so much, I would totally be watching it fannishly/obsessively if someone else made it. This year, we have made such a vid for Club Vivid. I HEART IT. \o/ (No, it is not Merlin.)

Also speaking of vids, I triumphed with the winning bids for two vidders in the VVC auction, and those vidders are obsessive24 and jetpack_monkey, who are very different in style and approach to source. And I am SO SO EXCITED to see the vids they are going to make. Words cannot even capture my many feelings.

On the topic of Merlin, I have finally made progress on one of my paperlegends options. I'm at about 7,000 words, but I hate all the words, and must keep going so that I don't delete them. I'm still on the fence about this story. I'm giving myself until May 10 to see if I can get 20K of story that I don't hate, and if that doesn't happen, I'll switch to the other.

Meanwhile: I have become somewhat fannish about James Bond and his quartermaster. They have moved into the second bedroom, while Merlin and Arthur camp out in the living room. Also, I reblog a great deal of multi-fannish stuff on Tumblr these days. If you aren't there, here is a short random sampling of it.

- This adorable James Bond/Q chibi, and this freaking hot as hell James Bond/Q art, and this explicit, NSFW and gorgeous Bond/Q art. (Oh, hey, have one more while I'm at it.)

- This pretty art by Alex Tooth, and this post too, which reminds me of art someone I know draws, from time to time.

- This bit of meta about Dean and Charlie, which made me glad I didn't see the original posts whining and complaining, and only saw the response, which I agreed with. (Complimented by a post full of Dean and Charlie hugging.)

- Zachary Quinto inviting all the boys to his yard while kicking the heteronormative reporter in the teeth, more gently than she deserved if you ask me.

- Karl Urban and Chris Pine standing still and being hot together

- Gifs of a deleted scene from Merlin WHICH I HAVE NEVER SEEN where Arthur gestured to Merlin to sit at his right hand at the round table. I CANNOT EVEN COPE WITH MY FEELINGS ON THIS TOPIC. Why did they cut it?? WHY DID IT NOT APPEAR ON THE DVDS???

- This gorgeous, cleaned-up still of Agron and Nasir kissing. Holy mother of god. NSFW.

- And finally, this Game of Thrones picset, which made me laugh out loud. Spoilers for the most recent eps.

supernatural, vidding, bond james bond, merlin, spartacus war of the damned, star trek reboot, game of thrones

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