Hodgepodge of things relevant to multi-fannish interests

Feb 16, 2013 10:47

- 41 minutes of Star Trek bloopers. There are bloopers from TNG, Enterprise, Voyager, DS9, reboot movie, and a few from the classic movies. There are, however, zero bloopers from TOS. (You can find those other places, like here and here.) The best are TNG, because you can see how much the cast loves each other. Also apparently they all like to ( Read more... )

spartacus, bond james bond, southland, the eagle, ao3 is the fifth circle of hell, vid recs, merlin, star trek

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Comments 27

riventhorn February 16 2013, 19:25:49 UTC
That was a great Merlin vid! whatever one's feelings about 4.09, at least it gave us the shot of Arthur Lancelot rising from the water for use in reincarnation vids. :D


destina February 16 2013, 21:31:37 UTC
Ahaha, I love how you think. Yes. There is always a bright side. :D


dorinda February 16 2013, 19:39:23 UTC
I wish I could cuddle with Frakes whenever I screwed up. It seems like a cure-all.

If you are over a certain age, this might make you smile.

Eeeee, thanks for the heads-up! If you are me, you might be humming the theme music right this very second!


destina February 16 2013, 21:32:10 UTC
He is sort of like a giant giggling teddy bear. I can see why they all want hugs from him. And reassurance. Even Michael Dorn. *g*


deirdre_c February 16 2013, 19:48:58 UTC
Who knew Patrick Stewart was SO CUDDLY! *hearts for eyes*

(Also, you'll be prompting In Search Of... for Festivids next year, won't you? :D)


destina February 16 2013, 21:32:40 UTC
...that had not even occurred to me! And now, of course, the answer is YES I WILL! :D


elishavah February 16 2013, 20:44:57 UTC
Meant to point this OOQ out to you before. Was a WIP that I got sucked into (not realizing it was a WIP), but it's finally finished. Plot and stuff!


destina February 16 2013, 21:33:03 UTC
You are the very, very best. The BEST. Thank you!


kronette February 16 2013, 20:52:03 UTC
I just had a massive flail moment when I saw In Search Of.... I LOVED IT and now must have *grabby hands*


destina February 16 2013, 21:33:24 UTC
Your feelings mirror my feelings on this matter! :D


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