Good morning out there. By 7:15 AM I had already put gas in the car, grocery shopped, walked two miles, and cleaned the kitchen. I was supposed to hike up a mountain today with friends, but that's been postponed until tomorrow. (For those of you who know me well and who just raised an eyebrow in surprise because you're wondering why I'm climbing a
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Comments 38
Ok, I'll go with #19.
And good luck with your exam!
In SPN, my head canon is that Death is obsessed with Dean Winchester the way a scientist is obsessed with figuring out a mutated virus or something; he watches Dean from time to time, or sends his favorite reaper to do it for him. There's just something about that Dean Winchester.
*surprises no one here*
That's fortunate! (Because I reblog a lot of Avengers related stuff. *cough*) But fear not, I reblog a lot of Merlin stuff too. :D
3. A pairing you have never liked and probably never will.
4. A pairing you wish you liked but just can't.
A pairing I've never liked and probably never will: There really are not many of these, in any fandom I've been through, because even if I don't personally ship something, I often can see why others do. But one that has always skeeved me out for no particular reason (other than the fact that I was hardcore MSR at the time) is Skinner/Scully. That goes back all the way to my first fandom, mid-nineties; I avoided it like the plague then, and I still make faces when I run across it.
A pairing I wish I liked but I just can't: Sam/Castiel. It doesn't make any sense to me, because Castiel is so canon-connected to Dean, and because half my brain is given over to a Sam/Dean OTP, and the other half of my brain recognizes that Dean/Castiel is about as close to canon for a m/m pairing as this show ever is capable of giving us.
If I may, I'll ask one more:
10. Name a fandom you didn't care/think about until you saw it all over twitter/tumblr/your social network sites.
Mostly because it made me think of how my answer would be Teen Wolf. *facepalm* I blame flist, there is no other possible reason I would have watched this show on my own.
10. Name a fandom you didn't care/think about until you saw it all over twitter/tumblr/your social network sites - Probably the best recent example of this for me was The Eagle. I was like, nope nope nope nope -- oh, wait, Romans? Devotion unto death? Exceptionally grimy and pretty Channing Tatum? Slavefic but for reals? Living happily ever after on a farm??? I'M IN.
15 and/or 23!
And yes about Lucius Vorenus.
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