Sign-up Post for DRB 2017!

Nov 25, 2016 12:20

If you would like to sign up as an Artist, (Artist Sign-ups are CLOSED)
If you would like to sign up as an Author/Writer, (Writer Sign-ups are CLOSED)

See Rules and Schedule for more information.

sign ups, destiel, mod post

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Comments 8

saltnsage November 26 2016, 15:13:10 UTC
So excited. I had a blast doing this last year.


ultimatemarysue December 14 2016, 02:24:59 UTC
Can't wait!


randomdestielgl January 31 2017, 23:16:38 UTC
I couldn't recall if I had signed up or not, so I just signed up (again!) as an author. I hope the double record is alright, I'm sorry!


saltnsage February 1 2017, 00:14:42 UTC
Should I be getting an email confirming that I signed up as a writer?


destielrbmod February 1 2017, 00:47:08 UTC
You should have gotten an email back in November/December. If you want to privately message us with your current email address, we can double check to make sure we have the right one.


kullerva February 5 2017, 01:03:52 UTC
I have been trying to join the community to see the art, but I haven't been approved yet. :( Is there something I need to do? I know you all are terribly busy and don't want to seem unappreciative!


destielrbmod February 5 2017, 01:17:50 UTC
Ahhh we're sorry! You've been approved. You should be able to see the art now. :) Just click on the Google link in the post.


Thanks! kullerva February 5 2017, 01:20:58 UTC
Thank you so much!


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