Destiel Reverse Bang Rules, 2017

Nov 25, 2016 12:13

Overview:This is a reverse of the usual Bang challenge. Each artist wishing to participate creates at least one piece of art featuring characters from the Supernatural pairing: Destiel, or Cockles (excluding the real-life children of the actors) that will be posted anonymously to be claimed by an author ( Read more... )

2017, rules, mod post

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Comments 10

violue November 25 2016, 21:52:11 UTC


bererjs November 26 2016, 07:26:54 UTC
Can art be graphics or manips?


destielrbmod November 26 2016, 22:24:47 UTC
Yes :)


bererjs November 26 2016, 22:38:00 UTC
Yes! Thank you :)


delicirony November 26 2016, 17:24:58 UTC
I continue to be baffled by the sheer amount of challenges there is! I had no idea there was the DRB, I thought there was just the SPN RB... Is there a DCRB as well?

Anyway, count me in! :D


destielrbmod November 26 2016, 22:29:58 UTC
Welcome! Make sure to sign up through the link and you're all set ;)


rule_number_7 November 29 2016, 04:23:49 UTC
It's past my bedtime so it's probably due to sleep deprivation, but I can't seem to find the art submission guidelines referenced above...


destielrbmod November 29 2016, 06:40:38 UTC
Hmm, it's all under Artist Rules? which is right above Writer Rules.
Sorry if this comes off a bit snarky, it's late here too.
Unless you mean how to actually submit your art, hold on... that can be found HERE.
Important links can be found to the right of the blog in Links/Info on the main page.

If there's something you feel is missing, let us know!


rule_number_7 November 29 2016, 13:32:06 UTC
That link is what I was looking for. It wasn't showing as a link on my laptop, just plain text, and since it's from November of last year, I didn't see it when I looked at the rest of the 2016 post.


destielrbmod November 29 2016, 17:59:08 UTC
cool then. Yeah, we redid the rules this year because of extensive date changes and additions. But most of the important stuff is in the right sidebar.
Glad we could help!


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