Sign-ups, Submissions, and Claims Process

Nov 11, 2015 14:47

As the deadlines for each of these draw near, we will be posting more detailed instructions.

Will be posted on the day they’re scheduled. Follow the instructions on the post.

Art Submission Process:
Email all art submissions to:
All art must be named with your username and pairing. In addition, your art must be tagged if it is Early Bird!
  (Example -  Destielreversebang_Destiel_EarlyBird.jpeg)

*When emailing us your submission, use this form:

  • Artist name:
  • Title of your art:
  • Pairing/Side pairing (optional):
  • Maximum Rating:
  • Squicks/Exclusions:
  • Short description (no more than three (3) sentences):

*If you are an Early Bird, and you meet the requirements in Rules, you may submit a second piece. Use the above form, and tag it as your second entry.

The Claims Process:
Art claims will officially begin on Sunday, February 5th, 2017 at 10 AM US Central Time. The art post will be up a couple of days beforehand so that writers may take a look at all the art before the actual claiming starts. The art post will contain thumbnail previews of all the art (the thumbnails will link to the full size version of the art), accompanied by a description of the subject, maximum rating, etc... All art will be posted anonymously, and claims will be first come, first serve.
During the first round of claims every writer is allowed to make just one claim, and claiming of a prompt by multiple writers will not be allowed.

Claiming via proxy will be allowed. The details on how to do that will be provided when the art preview post goes up.
The Art Post(s) will be members-locked, so please be sure to join and watch the community in order to participate.
When the Claims post goes live, you will comment using the format below.

*Format for Claiming:

  • LiveJournal Username
  • Email address [This will be public, we suggest  using this format: name(at)email(dot)com]
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 3

Mods will reply to your claim to confirm which choice is yours. In the event your choice(s) is already claimed, you will need to submit a new claim as a new comment. Do NOT edit your comment.

Proxy Claim rules:
If you are proxying for another person, please state this at the top of your comment - a simple “claiming for [name here]” will be fine, followed by their choices. Do not post your proxy claims with your own claims in the same comment; they should be in two separate comments.

Beta & Pinch-hitter Sign-ups:
After the initial claims process, we will have a Beta sign-up post. Instructions will be in the post.

There will be a Pinch-Hitter post for Art on an as-needed basis. Instructions will be in the post.

Writer Draft Submissions:
Email all drafts to:
When submitting your work use this form in your email:

  • Author username:
  • Artist username:
  • Art Number:
  • Rating:
  • Summary:
  • Percent Complete: (ex: 90%)

Art and Fic Posts:
On the day your fic is due for Posting, create a post with this type of format:

Title of Post: [Name of Fic]
(use the format below for your posts)

Art Title :
Prompt Number :
Artist :
Fic Title :
Fandom/Genre : (ex: SPN/RPS, Horror, Romance), etc.
Pairing(s) :
Rating :
Word Count :
Warnings/Tags :
Art Link(s): LJ | tumblr (include all that apply)
Fic Link(s): LJ | AO3 (include all that apply)(include all that apply)

*Art banners should be no wider that 800 pixels.

If you have any questions, comment here, go to our Tumblr (destielreversebang), email us at
Or send a PM to destielrbmod.
Please don’t contact the mods individually.

Thanks to the mods at spn_reversebang for letting us use their form as a template!

sign ups, 2017, rules, mod post, submissions, guidelines, claims, 2016

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