[NaNo] Ass Out of You and Me: Order (Sam/Dean) 23/30

Nov 24, 2010 23:41

Series: Ass Out of You and Me
Title: Order
Author: destial
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Theme: 30 NaNo-Shots Special Table 2010
Prompt: Order
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: College
Spoilers: Pre-series, so if you saw episode one, you're good to go.
Word Count: 943
Notes: Follows after Ruin. Now being made into awesome podfic by the lovely and talented weimar27 found here! Check often for updates!
Summary: Everything's different but also startlingly similar. It almost feels wrong, but Sam knows he just has to get used to it; it's normal to reject change. Even though the world feels as if it's slightly to the left of where it should be, he'd just have to power through.


College is a cultural shock even to the most well adjusted of young adults.

Objectively, Sam had known this when he applied. Hell, he'd spoken to his counselor about it as they filled out the paperwork together. But you can't prepare for culture shock, apparently.

Everything's different but also startlingly similar. It almost feels wrong, but Sam knows he just has to get used to it; it's normal to reject change. Even though the world feels as if it's slightly to the left of where it should be, he'd just have to power through.

He's never thought about it before, but the whole dorm set up is a lot like a motel, except worse. The rooms don't come with a TV or phone and he has to share a bathroom with the entire floor. One of his first purchases on campus is for shower shoes - Sam really doesn't want to go anywhere near that floor with his bare skin. And the smell… the smell is constant and reminds Sam of a place they squatted at in Nashville almost a decade ago. Dean had found an old outhouse around back and had tricked Sam into going into it. It was the most nauseating thing he'd ever smelled (and Sam Winchester literally knows the smell of death) and the communal bathroom on his floor reminds him of that outhouse.

The mattress is more like a thick mat and every time Sam so much as thinks of moving, it makes the worst squealing noise. Placed on top of the hard wood frames, it made possibly the firmest place you could sleep without just climbing on top of a rock for a nap. At least hotels attempt to procure comfortable mattresses. They're probably more sanitary if only because he's pretty sure nothing can sink into that tight, plastic weave.

He doesn't have much stuff. He never has had much and his roommate, Brady, keeps shooting him odd looks because the only decoration he has is an old picture strip he got from a photo booth when he was sixteen. It's a picture strip of him and Dean and, that first day, it's the only unnecessary thing he unpacks, pinning it to the corkboard above his desk with a thumbtack he stole from Brady.

Sam misses Dean something awful, but he's been steeling himself for that for a while.

Sam goes to dinner in the cafeteria and discovers that the food is like really average diner food. All of it is… well, it's limp, to be perfectly honest. Limp and bland and if Sam were to touch most of it, it would probably crumble into some shapeless mess.

Everything on campus that first day feels like his memories are coming back to haunt him.

The next day is the first day of classes. Sam wakes up hours before his first class and lays there, awake. The ceiling is faintly yellow and the color is much easier to see in the dark, pre-dawn moment he's in right now.

He hears breathing, just harsh enough to hear over the droning silence. The noise alarms Sam and it takes him a few minutes to realize why it sounds so very loud and so very wrong and that's only when he looks across the room and sees Brady lying in the other bed.

His first class, a general writing course, is like a breath of fresh air. The professor, an elderly white woman who sounded vaguely Canadian around certain sounds, just goes over the syllabus but this is what's he's here for and seeing his reading list makes him almost excited.

Sam ends up sitting in a quad, sharing a bench with a frazzled looking girl who has a handful of papers and a personal planner and is scribbling on both. Sam ignores her, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.

There's a guy and girl sitting at the base of a tree, looking like they were trying to devour each other. The girl was a lot smaller, as is natural, and - as Sam watches - the guy pushes her more fully against the tree, hands beginning to explore what is obviously familiar territory. It makes Sam miss Dean even more.

Sam considers calling Dean but it's too soon. Dean is hurt and angry and their dad is just angry. He should either give Dean time to get it out of his system or wait for Dean to contact him. God, Sam hopes he gets over it quick though, because he could use someone to talk to.

That's probably why he really starts talking with Brady after a week of radio silence and driving himself up the walls waiting.

"What the hell'd he do?" Sam asks, barely able to hold back laughter.

"Didn't have much of a choice with what to do, did he?" Brady quips. "Walked back to the camp naked as the day he was born. He still doesn't know who took his clothes, but he doesn't trust any of us anymore with shit like that."

"Would you?"

Brady grins a shark's grin.

"His fault for trusting us in the first place." The look Brady gives him sends a shiver up his spine.

Brady, as it turns out, is a pretty fun guy. And this is just what he was looking for but ignoring while he moped.

They're both laughing at the appropriately altered version of what had been a very dangerous but ultimately hilarious story of an incompetent shapeshifter when Sam's cell rings. Sam is up and heading for the door before he can think, lifting the phone as he throws, "I need to take this," over his shoulder.

Continued in : Call

oh you challenge me so beautifully, yes sam you get your own tag, 30-nano shots, incest for the wincest!, don't sue it's just a fic

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