Heroes: Beyond This Place of Wrath and Tears

Mar 23, 2013 00:58

Title: Beyond This Place of Wrath and Tears
Author: Desiree
Rating: PG 13
Spoilers: All seasons
Characters: Peter Petrelli, Sylar, with a cameo from Noah Bennett
Disclaimer: Sylar, Peter and co. are property of their respective creators...
Summary: The years behind the wall have left their mark, but Peter still has to decide what to do about his ( Read more... )

fandom:heroes, character:peter_petrelli, character:sylar

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Comments 10

black_sluggard March 23 2013, 18:38:25 UTC
I read this yesterday and meant to leave a comment, because it really is excellent, but it was my mother's birthday so it slipped my mind... Fortunately it was still up in my tabs.

This might be one of the most honest looks at the Wall/post-Wall relationship between Peter and Sylar that I've seen. And I love how you interpret Sylar's "moving of the spot", not just because of the nice turning point it makes in Peter's view of Sylar, and how despite his ability for "understanding", at the root of it he was as blindsided by the development of his ability as any of them.

I also love your explanation of how the spot was moved, and how Sylar's power works in general, because it's never even occurred to me to think of it that way before. My father survived a stroke a couple of years back, so I understood what you were saying about different parts of the brain taking up different jobs, and applying that to Sylar's ability is just absolutely brilliant(P.S. Thanks for the kudos on AO3. I saw your name pop up and thought "Why is that familiar ( ... )


desree_rd March 24 2013, 21:13:01 UTC
No sweat! And thanks for commenting XD I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it ( ... )


black_sluggard March 25 2013, 08:17:47 UTC
Yeah, I stopped viewing the show's phlebotinum from a "scientific" angle around the time Mohinder started mutating into a lizard... Though I'd always interpreted the implied physical move as being something Sylar could, hypothetically, be capable of through shapeshifting. Given his original ability, it doesn't seem too farfetched that he might figure out ways to use or combine the powers he has in ways that would be impossible for their original wielders to imagine, let alone survive ( ... )


desree_rd April 5 2013, 20:12:27 UTC
Sorry, RL has been busy ( ... )


game_byrd March 29 2013, 22:12:32 UTC
Oh wow, I am so glad I kept this in my 'need to read' file because it is incredible. So good that I'm going to rec it to some friends. It's beautiful in terms of emotional progression and I love that you shine the spotlight on Peter's journey. Even though Sylar had some important steps to take, by the time he was trapped in the Wall, he'd already had the most vital part of his growth - admitting he needed help and submitting himself to what Matt did to him. It was Peter, then, who had to change in order to get them out.

I laughed out loud at the part about everyone ending up in Isaac's loft or Mohinder's apartment. I'd like to respectfully suggest that the roof of the Deveaux Building is another frequent gathering spot. I had a fic where Peter and Sylar bought Charles Deveaux's old penthouse so they could be there all the freaking time.

Thank you so much for sharing this.


desree_rd April 5 2013, 19:44:19 UTC
Sorry, RL had me preoccupied =(

But thank you so much for the kind review!

They really both have so much emotional baggage, it's not even funny, but I really wanted to do this from Peter's pov (I find it much easier to get into his head than Sylar's anyway, so that worked fine =D)

Well, they do tend to end up in the same spots everytime! Does Sylar know about the Deveaux Building, though? I can't remember off the top of my head.


game_byrd April 5 2013, 23:03:15 UTC
Does Sylar know about the Deveaux Building, though? I can't remember off the top of my head.

Not that I know of, but I had him borrow the knowledge from Nathan's memories. It's a little unclear how/if Nathan knows of the place, but since he was at it in the nightmare-world-dream Maury Parkman inflicted on him, I decided he knew of it *somehow*.


lornrocks April 22 2013, 12:48:44 UTC
You brought up a lot of in character, plausible points here. I especially like the confrontation of Noah and Peter at the end. Definitely seems realistic and fitting. Thank you for sharing.


means2bhuman May 5 2013, 22:11:58 UTC
This is so overdue. I meant to comment when you put this in the Christmas thing in December (I always wonder if it's tacky to comment after the holiday event). Then you expanded it - OMG, so happy ( ... )


means2bhuman May 5 2013, 22:12:35 UTC
Again, I love your Peter for his dialogue. It fits with what I think he's like inside the Wall. Just random half-insulting remarks and the half-comforting comments and the swearing ( ... )


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