(no subject)

Jul 24, 2006 10:52

Hello, folks! Remember this entry? I think we've managed to come up with a solution that's both fair and not quite so paranoia-causing.

- All characters should be active at least once every 4 weeks. This doesn't seem too outrageous to ask, since one comment will do, but we hope that people will at least participate in a thread or post on their character's journal. The moderators won't keep track of this, but this will come in handy when somebody else wants to claim a character. (In other words, you can keep your character as inactive as you want, as long as nobody else tries to claim them.)

- If somebody wants to claim an inactive character, they should post an entry to desperatelyooc. If nobody answers within a few days and it's discovered that the character hasn't been active in 4 weeks, the character is theirs. If the character hasn't been active in 4 weeks but it's because of an extenuating circumstance, the couple of days gives enough leeway time for the person to respond or for others to find out where that person has gone.

- This would be fair to newcomers, so that we don't cling onto an old puppet even though the typist has gone out of commission. (And it's easier to tell which characters are active vs. inactive; rather than saying "I don't think I've seen that character around lately..." we can say "No, s/he hasn't posted or commented in 4 weeks".) It's also a chance for the journal to change hands, since that would make things easier.

- I think we should allow at least 2 weeks' time before this rule goes into effect, to allow people to catch up. Also, please make sure that you can keep the character active, if you decide to take up an inactive character. And please don't do it only out of spite.

If nobody has any strong objections, I'll announce this to the community in a few days along with the other thing we were discussing about having TM!characters lj-cut their entries.

Some other things to consider, while I'm posting here: Should we have a post for people to say which characters they'd like to see around more? Should we have a post where people can get feedback on their roleplaying? Should we have some sort of a DF-wide plot? ... ... Should we have a DF-wide game of Whose Line is It Anyway? :D?
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