A note to you all: M. le Fantome may be my favorite person in this world. In the galaxy, even.
And I've managed to finally get the full story, and all I can say is: What kind of crack were you on, Christine?
I do have a question, so this isn't completely pointless--other than the fact that I've started, what's it called, fangirlboying
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Comments 43
Oh, I don't know. How about so I don't make them not like me let's say I love them both equally.
I am also very fond of the beautiful Elphaba and M. le Fantome.
I do not, of course, intend to slight anyone -- simply put, I have known these three a long time (well, for here!). I am so lucky to be counted in such fine company as my fellow literary folk.
They are also indeed rather lovely.
You are quite a noble gentleman, never wanting to offend. That is one art I wish I had mastered better in life.
Art? More like a survival technique in some parts of England...
That is most likely true... I was however never very intrested in surviving anything.
*beams inelegantly* Christine kissed me! Just now! And I kissed her too! And we're leaving for Oz together to escape the police! And I love the world! And everybody in it! Even the Vicomte! At the moment!
To answer your question: I love Christine more than words can tell, but of course, I have known her since the 19th century. I am very, very fond of (so strange it feels to have friends, I cannot tell you! It is wondrous!) Elphaba and Cadfael and Grantaire and Ford and Prouvaire and Guildenstern and Rosencrantz and Harry...
*laughs and runs out of thread*
Even the Vicomte? Isn't that a bit much?
I had assumed as much. It was a tad obvious, you know. *wink*
But yes, pretty much everyone here is hoopy.
I am not so fond of Ford at the moment though. Tell me, do you think he's cooler than I am?
I would think you were a lot cooler if you could give me a face transplant. Come on, why do you get two normal ones and I get one deformed one?
That was low. Very low. Besides the fact that first, there's not any technology I could use here, and two, I was always terrible at any sort of medical things.
You know, you could probably ask one of those American actors my secretary is going on about--I don't know who or what "Joan Rivers" or "Michael Jackson" are, but she seems to think that all you'd need was a couple thousand dollars...which are currency, I think?
I must return to my packing!
Of course, of course, you must get ready!
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