A note to you all: M. le Fantome may be my favorite person in this world. In the galaxy, even.
And I've managed to finally get the full story, and all I can say is: What kind of crack were you on, Christine?
I do have a question, so this isn't completely pointless--other than the fact that I've started, what's it called, fangirlboying
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*beams inelegantly* Christine kissed me! Just now! And I kissed her too! And we're leaving for Oz together to escape the police! And I love the world! And everybody in it! Even the Vicomte! At the moment!
To answer your question: I love Christine more than words can tell, but of course, I have known her since the 19th century. I am very, very fond of (so strange it feels to have friends, I cannot tell you! It is wondrous!) Elphaba and Cadfael and Grantaire and Ford and Prouvaire and Guildenstern and Rosencrantz and Harry...
*laughs and runs out of thread*
Even the Vicomte? Isn't that a bit much?
I had assumed as much. It was a tad obvious, you know. *wink*
But yes, pretty much everyone here is hoopy.
I am not so fond of Ford at the moment though. Tell me, do you think he's cooler than I am?
I would think you were a lot cooler if you could give me a face transplant. Come on, why do you get two normal ones and I get one deformed one?
That was low. Very low. Besides the fact that first, there's not any technology I could use here, and two, I was always terrible at any sort of medical things.
You know, you could probably ask one of those American actors my secretary is going on about--I don't know who or what "Joan Rivers" or "Michael Jackson" are, but she seems to think that all you'd need was a couple thousand dollars...which are currency, I think?
I have several million francs, extorted from the managers of the Opera, but my typist tells me that francs are no longer in use. Is this the same surgical procedure that M. Potter was telling me about?
*shrugs* Probably. I don't know, my secretary's not very coherent right now. She made brownies, you see. *rolls eyes*
And they're not even special brownies!
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