baby steps!

Mar 14, 2016 23:40

Wow, can't believe it's been this long since I posted! Everything is well here. I still haven't found work, but I have found a better direction for my job search. Basically I want to do something higher education oriented, whether as an administrator/program manager or advising/coaching or plain old teaching (although not as an adjunct; something ( Read more... )

mcu fic, fic, rl

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Comments 6

alphaflyer March 15 2016, 06:54:20 UTC
Glad you took your time re-entering; those three ficlets were worth it!

And good luck with the job search. Fingers crossed!


desertport April 6 2016, 15:33:31 UTC
So glad you liked them! :) And thanks for the job-hunt encouragement!


geckoholic March 15 2016, 18:28:11 UTC
Best of luck for the job search! Fingers crossed.

And ohh, these are wonderful. The second is my favorite. :D


desertport April 6 2016, 15:34:46 UTC
It might be my favorite too, thanks!


shadowc44 March 15 2016, 19:29:11 UTC
What a great idea, three-sentence stories! You really can fit a lot in there, enough to get the gist of it.


desertport April 6 2016, 15:36:27 UTC
I LOVE 3-sentence fics. They really push me to make the most of the space.


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