link and cute agents and cat advice

May 07, 2014 00:39

Fan Is a Tool-Using Animal - A talk by the creator of Pinboard about how awesome fans are and why, from a tech standpoint, we're important to take seriously. This guy really gets us, and he explains our culture well. The first part where he asks if anyone in the audience writes fanfiction was kind of hilarious to me. Crickets chirping all over the ( Read more... )

agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., cat, recs, links

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Comments 4

embroiderama May 7 2014, 17:45:12 UTC
It really depends on the cat. My oldest cat Flash was quite happy being an only cat living in a small apartment, and my previous cat Emma never seemed to have a problem even in my tiny studio I had back then. OTOH, some cats really prefer to have another cat around to be their buddy/frenemy/nemesis. I don't think it has a lot to do with space so much as with stimulation. If she can sit in the windows and look outside, that can help too.


desertport May 9 2014, 19:20:41 UTC
Ooh, I'm pretty sure my cat would despise a feline friend, and my place is too small for a second cat anyway. Somehow, I think she'd be cool with a dog to play with/annoy, though again, small place, no yard, and also I don't want a dog. :D

Unfortunately, my window looks out at a brick wall. Am considering moving this summer, so a better view will be a prereq for a new place.


shadowc44 May 7 2014, 18:57:48 UTC
Does your cat have one of those little kitty condo/jungle gym type things? They have some that are pretty small, but still offer places for the cat to "hide" or different sitting/sleeping experiences. It also gives them a place to sharpen their claws. It might help keep kitty entertained.


desertport May 9 2014, 19:21:20 UTC
She'd love one of those! I should totally get her one, thanks!


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