link and cute agents and cat advice

May 07, 2014 00:39

Fan Is a Tool-Using Animal - A talk by the creator of Pinboard about how awesome fans are and why, from a tech standpoint, we're important to take seriously. This guy really gets us, and he explains our culture well. The first part where he asks if anyone in the audience writes fanfiction was kind of hilarious to me. Crickets chirping all over the place, but I wonder how many people were just keeping quiet among their colleagues. (Tbh, I wouldn't have outed myself either.)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. time! [1.21]

Just a few quick notes.

- I called it early on about having to kill the dog. But I couldn't tell if he actually shot it in the end? All I saw was the dog running in the rifle scope, but it wasn't clear whether he shot it.

- Aw, poor Fitz! "We're friends, right?" Poor guy needs some cookies and warm milk.

- I didn't think they'd kill off Fitzsimmons, but they did have me worried there as they were begging for their lives. I actually have a thing for stories where people are trapped or stranded out in the middle of nowhere together, so maybe we'll get some scenes of them in the box floating around in the ocean next week, or even better, stuck at the bottom of the ocean waiting for rescue while their air slowly runs down. (What? That was a good episode of SGA!)

- Melinda and Coulson being Fitzsimmons = the best thing ever. That was brilliant. OMG, their sweater vests and ties and talking at the same time and Melinda smiling like crazy!

- I'm on board with Ward as evil villain. I can't quite tell whether they mean for him to be redeemable or what redemption would look like, given the inhumanity of his actions. But I like the backstory. My impression is of a kid who either started out with the brain of a sociopath or was helped along by an abusive older brother. I should rewatch his other flashback ep to get a better feel before drawing conclusions, though. Garrett's manipulations were pretty twisted, so much that you totally see why Ward is dedicated to him; it was a mindfuck. But not one that (to my mind) exonerates Ward. Instead, it deepens our understanding of his motivations and helps us treat them seriously.

- Another reason I'm on board with Ward as evil villain is that evil nemeses are cooler when the conflict is personal. In lazy writing, a conflict gets personal when the hero's girlfriend gets fridged and a vendetta is declared. Here, though, there's just a lot more emotional complexity and the sense of betrayal is keenly felt.

- I am going to miss this show after next week and really hope it gets renewed!

In other news, I'm a little worried my cat is bored. Veteran cat owners tell me this is silly, but my place is very small and she's stuck indoors and I swear she looks a little mopey lately. Thoughts?

agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., cat, recs, links

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