sadly, I might have gotten some sleep if I hadn't written this post. Oh, well.

May 05, 2014 05:25

Trouble sleeping. :P I did my day backwards, enjoying a long lie-in, listening to some awesome podfic, and then breaking my resolution against going in to work on a Sunday. The workweek just goes better when I spend some time there Sundays, and I was at loose ends anyway.

Came home late in the night and waxed my legs, washed my hair, and now feel like a million bucks. My sister is successfully moved out (we rented a Zip Car truck for her furniture after the flaking-mover incident), so I've rearranged my apartment and opened up a lot of space. It feels like there's room for me to move around in a feng shui sort of way--metaphorical paths cleared toward goals.

Which is good timing. My non-profit has essentially lost funding and will be closing in the next couple of months. I'm pretty zen so far, have seen it coming for a long time. I don't relish the job search, but who really does? Mainly I'm fairly proud of the past year--we expanded programming, served way more students--and I got valuable experience that will hopefully not leave me unemployed for long. I'm a little heartbroken that our programming won't be there anymore, because it is fucking top-notch, and I'm going to be very sad to say goodbye to people.

And I wonder why I'm not sleeping....

Anyway, Elementary! [the person you love most in the world]

Okay, I may have rewatched the first ten minutes of last week's ep several times over. Sherlock's reaction to Mycroft getting Joan kidnapped just has me full of squee. He was furious and wrecked at the same time, and somehow that flicked my h/c switch in a very good way. He was scared for Joan and for himself (you could just see him contemplating with horror the idea of life without her), and everything he did and said for the rest of the ep was about drawing the shortest straight line between himself and Watson, no room for distractions like the NSA or quibbling over torture tactics. Which, btw, he did on Irene's behalf, so it's interesting (though unsurprising) to know Watson rates equally. I don't ship them, but I am such a fan of their friendship and how invested they are in each other, and there's nothing like a hostage drama to foreground all that love in a way that pleases me greatly.

Unspoilery speculation for next week: Mycroft is James Bond a British secret agent or high-ranking official in MI-6 or something, a la Sherlock BBC. The restaurateur was a role he played in an undercover operation to get the French drug cartel. I don't see why he needed Sherlock back in London and out of NY, though. Maybe to lure him into intelligence work? He seemed to be playing Joan and Sherlock against each other as he courted her last ep; in pursuing her, he sort of encouraged Watson's resentment of Sherlock's boundary issues (which issue is fair enough, of course). If she'd moved out, maybe, Mycroft could have gotten Sherlock back to London. But again, Why?

In other fannish news, Skye was magnificent in last week's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Gotta say.

elementary, work, personal, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.

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