Better Off Ted/Dollhouse crossover fic - The Invisible KOALA, the Poisonous Mushroom...; PG-13

Jan 22, 2010 14:55

Title: The Invisible KOALA, the Poisonous Mushroom, and the Only (Two) Sane Man in the Room
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Ted, Veronica, Adelle, Dominic, Phil, Lem, Linda, Chet
Disclaimer: I neither own Dollhouse nor Better Off Ted. They belong to their respective (and brilliant) owners. Thank you and have a nice day.
Words: 6,026
Spoilers: None, ( Read more... )

ted crisp, dd celebration week, eljay comm: dewitt_dominic, fic: dollhouse, adelle dewitt, laurence dominic, otp: ted/veronica, telebisyon: dollhouse, telebisyon: better off ted, fic: better off ted, otp: dewitt/dominic, veronica palmer

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Comments 24

dollsome January 22 2010, 07:36:43 UTC
Adelle DeWitt’s hair reeks of power.

Oh my God, I am grinning so hugely right now it's just STUPID. This was the most fun & delightful of mad glorious romps!!! Just imagining Veronica, Ted, Adelle, and Dom standing awkwardly and staring at each other was magnificent. And then it got zanier?!?! Hello, fic heaven! Every single thing Veronica said was just masterful. And Lem and Phil calling DeWitt and Dominic female Ted and male Veronica, ha ha ha! That might have to be my new nickname for them.

far enough that he won’t be hearing their conversation, but near enough for him to quickly jump in front of DeWitt in case Palmer does anything crazy violent. ♥ MR. DOMINIC, ALWAYS ON GUARD.

And then, omg--

“Mr. Dominic, I have to say I find you utterly delightful when you frown.” She says.

“Uh.” A thoroughly awkward expression passes his stoic face, “Thank you?”

Veronica turns to Adelle DeWitt, “You know, if Castro and Che were gay, they’d totally make out.”

And there was cake, and Veronica and Adelle, White Elephant Shopping Buddies -- ( ... )


derevko_child January 22 2010, 08:09:13 UTC
I'm so nervous about this fic, I actually didn't want to open the lj notification for it. lol.

Ahee. I just couldn't resist putting in a hair comment. Because Adelle's hair totally reeks of power and everybody should notice it.

Male Veronica and female Ted almost got the cut when I was re-hauling the fic. But I couldn't part with it. Because it's true.

And I'm glad Veronica's okay. There were times when I was writing this and I'd just stare at my screen, paralyzed, thinking about what Veronica would and wouldn't say.

And thank you for the comment. Ahee.


(The comment has been removed)

derevko_child January 22 2010, 08:24:56 UTC
The BoT tone kinda fluctuates but I'm happy I managed to pin it down, even for just a scene or two.

Yup yup, season 1 hair. Lawlz. (And I imagine a world where Veronica Palmer can set her hair down and everybody will still respect her and will still be afraid of her)

Linda always has a thing for men in suits. Too bad those men are more or less married to their bosses (and Linda's boyfriend is the dad/client in "Instinct". lawlz)

And everywhere, men's brains freeze.
Most especially Mr. Dominic's brain. hehe.

Thank you :)


kaitlia777 January 22 2010, 07:59:57 UTC
Fabulous darling! Simply amazing...and if it wasn't 3am, I'd probably have a more coherent review, but bravo!!


derevko_child January 22 2010, 08:25:56 UTC
I was kinda nervous about this crossover, actually. Thanks :D


aka_katya January 22 2010, 08:08:26 UTC
OMG! Adelle and Veronica meet and they both get drugged! I LOVE IT!!! and Ted and Dominic have to team up to save the day? Yep. This is pretty much the best thing ever.

also Phil and Lem were perfect!


derevko_child January 22 2010, 08:30:36 UTC
I always have a thing for drugging my favorite characters and leaving one (and in this case, four, although Lem and Phil aren't much help) undrugged to wade through the crazy.

And Ted and Dominic would look totally hot saving the day dressed to the nines while their lady loves bond over shopping and probably taking over the world using Veridian and Dollhouse tech. (imagine, an Active using octo-chicken and pumpkins to defeat armies...)

Thank you for commenting. <3


oltha_heri January 22 2010, 08:37:18 UTC
I. Love. You. Like, seriously you have taken my heart with this story BECAUSE IT IS PERFECT! Everybody's thoughts process are perfect, and given the variety of these characters it is impressive how you combined them. And SO FUNNY AND D/D AND GUH! You have slayed me with the perfection of this crossover. I think you should write about the shopping trip, which Dominic is totally not paranoid about his surveillance is totally rational.

Adelle DeWitt’s hair reeks of power.

“Did God tell you where to shop for suits too?”
I kind of want Dominic and Ted to go shopping together now too.

he seems to take it rather well


derevko_child January 22 2010, 09:31:36 UTC
lol, thanks. I basically had to keep BoT playing when I was writing the BoT peeps and then switch to Dollhouse pre-1x09 (and 2x11) for the D/D pov because the characters just kept on bleeding towards the others. That and I love the episode where Veronica's all, "I am Veronica. Queen of Veridian" in the speakers and then she and Ted sing in her office and that there is no such things as overdosing on the 2x11 D/D flashbacks

I was supposed to write in a shopping scene (like, Dom allowed them to go out, but he's going to watch over them while Ted figures out the problem in the restaurant). Alas, it was too complicated.

I'm thinking Ted and Dom shop in the same store, they just haven't crossed paths in said store yet.



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