Okay Guys

Jul 23, 2009 13:09

I'm made of fail. It's been forever since I posted. I want to start posting again. But I have some questions. I don't want to start posting just to learn that nobody reads anymore because of my long absence. I'm not trying to have this be some stupid popularity contest, but if you still read/are still interested in reading my journal, will you ( Read more... )

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Comments 52

lokechild July 23 2009, 17:35:04 UTC
I read. You know I read. And I'm commenting. See. Commenting on Amie's wall *dances about*

I'm thinking of making my lj public again, and then just flocking the 'really me' stuff.


dependonyou July 23 2009, 17:48:01 UTC
Heh, you know you're on Facebook too much when... you comment on someone's "Wall" on LJ. ;op

I just flock the stuff that I don't want getting out. But most of my posts are nonsense, so being public doesn't matter to me. Then again, why would you want to go public if your friends read your journal? You know?


gallyko July 23 2009, 17:36:10 UTC
It's true, the love is eternal and I'm always grateful!

I may rarely comment on posts, but I read yours all the time, so more frequent posting would be great!


dependonyou July 23 2009, 17:59:00 UTC
Woo woo! I'm glad to know I'm entertaining. ;op And I hope we get you some more votes this way. <3


memoryanddream July 23 2009, 17:39:40 UTC
I always and actively read my friend's list here on LJ - you included - though admittedly, I don't always comment. I don't use Facebook, so anyone who updates there isn't something I'll be keeping up with. Nothing personal against any person specifically; I just have zero interest in FB.


dependonyou July 23 2009, 17:58:26 UTC
Commenting's not what's important. You comment when you have something to say, and I don't expect you or anyone else to comment when they have nothing to say. ::hugs tightly:: I'm just glad to hear I haven't run everyone off with my long silences. As for Facebook, I don't expect anyone to join up for anything they don't want to. You know? I just put it out there in case people are already there and I didn't know it, since I don't know most of my friends' RL names.


memoryanddream July 23 2009, 18:47:09 UTC
I know. I often intend to comment but...then, never quite get around to it. But I DO read. And I will be happy to have you back posting on LJ again.

FB...eh. I admit it. I just don't get the point. Maybe because I don't want people I went to school with to find me! Ha! I didn't much like them back then, why 14 years later should I start? ;)


electricfreight July 23 2009, 17:39:53 UTC

You know I read every entry, may not comment but I do read them, XD XD

Though I do tend to post on your entries alot... lucky you!! XD XD


dependonyou July 23 2009, 17:56:59 UTC

So long as people are reading, and I'm not just talking to myself (some people say that means you're crazy, after all), then it's all good in the hood.

I am lucky! I love hearing what you have to say, and I love knowing that people are there. XD I feel verah loved.


electricfreight July 23 2009, 18:09:40 UTC
Talking to yourself makes you crazy? Oh dear... better call the white coats on me then, XD XD

Though generally what I have to say makes no sense at all... XD XD

*hugs* I luvs you, *nods*


classical_wolf July 23 2009, 17:40:48 UTC
I read your journal :) It's been ages since I've posted something decent myself, don't worry about it.


dependonyou July 23 2009, 17:53:19 UTC
It gets hard sometimes. It really does. I think everyone falls into an LJ slump from time to time.


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